Wie Klammer ich da aus?
Hallo liebe Gf Nutzer,
ich wollte mal fragen wie ich da ausklammer?
variante 1: beide klammern mit 5 immer malnehmen oder
variante 2: die 5 ignorieren und die beiden klammern malnehmen
Hallo liebe Gf Nutzer,
ich wollte mal fragen wie ich da ausklammer?
variante 1: beide klammern mit 5 immer malnehmen oder
variante 2: die 5 ignorieren und die beiden klammern malnehmen
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As gauss58 has written, the order Multiplication is left to.
I would only multiply the two brackets and then the complete result with five.
Variant 1 is definitely wrong! You can multiply one of the two brackets with 5 and then multiply the result with the other bracket, but NOT FALL both brackets with 5!!!
I would, however, first multiply the two brackets with each other and then finally this result with the 5.
Thanks, that’s right. (Have looked in the solutions at the end)
It has already been clipped out. You want to dissolve the clips. Right? There are 3 factors (5 ; (x – 3) ; (x – 8). In which order the factors are multiplied, no matter what.
I’ve just calculated (x-3) (x-8) and left the 5 so standing. Was that wrong?
If the task is to resolve the brackets, you are not finished because you still have a bracket in the term: 5* (…).
I know what I did wrong. Thank you.
in both cases you make the opposite of clinging out. When clipping out, a factor that occurs everywhere is preferred in front of the clamp. The factor is excluded.
I mean dissolving the clamp