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6 months ago

As gauss58 has written, the order Multiplication is left to.

I would only multiply the two brackets and then the complete result with five.

6 months ago

Variant 1 is definitely wrong! You can multiply one of the two brackets with 5 and then multiply the result with the other bracket, but NOT FALL both brackets with 5!!!

I would, however, first multiply the two brackets with each other and then finally this result with the 5.

6 months ago

It has already been clipped out. You want to dissolve the clips. Right? There are 3 factors (5 ; (x – 3) ; (x – 8). In which order the factors are multiplied, no matter what.

6 months ago
Reply to  Mein2account9

If the task is to resolve the brackets, you are not finished because you still have a bracket in the term: 5* (…).

6 months ago

in both cases you make the opposite of clinging out. When clipping out, a factor that occurs everywhere is preferred in front of the clamp. The factor is excluded.