Wie kauft man ein Busticket?

Hört sich vielleicht ein bisschen dumm an, jedoch lebte ich bis jetzt in einem kleinen Dorf, jetzt bin ich umgezogen habe somit die Schule gewechselt und habe noch keine Karte, allerdings habe ich keine Ahnung wie man ein Busticket kauft….

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7 years ago

You go to the bus to what station you want to drive, then the driver gives you your ticket and you pay it.

Or you go to a machine and print the ticket there.

7 years ago

that comes to the city.
either directly in the bus or at the automatic ticket machines at the stops.

abos you buy at the central filials of the respective transport companies.

7 years ago

the secretariat of the school can tell you or your parents how and where you can apply for a student ticket (if there are discounts) or buy. normal tickets can be bought at the machine of the stop or directly at the driver.

7 years ago

In the bus you can buy the most directly from the bus driver