How can you get onto a container ship unseen (story)?

Hello, my girlfriend is currently writing a story in which the main character sneaks onto a container ship, but she doesn't know exactly how. Do you have any ideas?

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2 years ago

This has actually become more difficult since 2001 (09-11 -> as a result of the global introduction of the ISPS code -> stronger monitoring of ports and ships). But of course there are still plenty of possibilities of uncontrolled arrival.

This has become very difficult in the European and North American ports, however, due to the ISPS code. However, it can still succeed in Africa, South America and Asia in a different and quite simple manner.

There are various possibilities not only for cargo handling, i.e., the classic possibility of getting hidden in the cargo on board, but also by corrupt guards in the ports, negligent or lap service of the overwhelmed crew (which are supposed to represent the last hurdle) and/or also by service providers who smuggle into the interior of the ship under suitable conditions.

In addition, during a shipyard period, i.e. when the ship is regularly in a shipyard, and this is usually the case every 5 years, all checks before the ship, but not to the shipyard, are cancelled. No one of the shipping companies or the ship has the staff, the time or the will, even it is hardly possible to realize logistically, to control JEDEN, who comes on board. There are always VIELE possibilities in a yard to come unaware on board.

Finally, you can also sneak from the water side with the help of a boat. It’s not being observed with luck. Then it only needs an unmotivated, negligently acting crew and you will find a protected place on board.

I experienced how blind passengers had hidden themselves on the chimney (!). Or hold in the cargo or in a container, but always helpers are required.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wiloki

Yeah, thanks. I drove to the lake for over 40 years and had several ‘blind passengers’ on board. Despite attention and before 9/11, mostly from Africa.

2 years ago

The way that the girl twists one of the Sailors’ head and makes him believe that he can only live with him and is smuggled and supplied by the crew member on board – only to have a “safe” crossing and to get rid of it in Europe. Granted, I thought our Stowaways were just guys. Only once experienced that a blue-eyed sailor asked the old man if he could take his little one… What he was not allowed to do.

2 years ago

Nowadays it is difficult.

The port areas have not been accessible for a few years, i.d.R., or anyone who has nothing to look for there does not even come near a ship.

So if the story is to be credible, then the author must have a good reason for how a person could get access to the security area.

2 years ago

It’s all profane and easy over the gangway. With the few seafarers on board, this is not necessarily guarded day and night. From the boat does not go up, that are several ten meters from the water line to the deck, in a container does not go. they are stacked tightly, in no case will the door open.

2 years ago
Reply to  HansWurst45

Yes…., however, the person should first have access to the security area.

2 years ago
Reply to  HansWurst45

The least Stowaways are coming over the Gangway! Climb up from the boat or on the anchor chain or on a festive line or on a rope lowered by a helper or the pilot ladder that has been forgotten to accept or or or or. Telescopic ladders from the boat are also the smallest hurdles. A leash with hook always goes. And not everywhere are 10 (!) meters to overcome. The achtere station is usually much deeper and hardly a ship has a freeboard of 10 meters! Unless it’s a car transporter. In empty containers always goes – with helpers then even with plombe, which would indicate a controlled container. However, empty containers are usually not plombed. In addition, it comes to the container type, it must be one with ventilation that exists. And containers with the long sides are tight, not always with the narrow ends. We have, in order to prevent that, the empty containers always consciously let the door jam where it was going. Then you’d be caught until you clear. The doors always go up when it is a 40′ container, which stand on board NIE together with the narrow sides (technically not possible), there are 20′ containers whenever the closed side is facing another and thus the door side is accessible.

2 years ago

Climbed up in a container or water on the side