Wie kann man softwaretechnisch eine Idee wie CashApp umsetzen?

Wie kann man softwaretechnisch eine Idee ähnlich wie CashApp, mit ein paar Änderungen, umsetzen, wenn man alleine daran arbeiten will, aber noch keine Erfahrung in diesem Bereich hat?

Die Idee sieht nur eine App für iOS und Android vor….aber wie kann man die ganzen Prozesse im Hintergrund, wie Datenspeicherung, Geldtransfer, etc. umsetzen und was gilt es dabei zu beachten?

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1 year ago


a similar question about PayPal, I have already answered.

As a summary:

You need basic knowledge in Java/Kotlin for Android and SwiftUI for iOS, in addition you need knowledge in server languages such as Python, Ruby and Node.js.

For the database you need knowledge with SQL (e.g. MySQL or MongoDB)

In addition to your general knowledge, you need experience in IT security to ensure a secure transaction, data storage and the like.

To then implement payment services, you need to work with banks and their interfaces.

That wasn’t all! Depending on the country, you also have to comply with all security aspects and certain policies and data protection laws.


1 year ago

As a single developer without experience, you have no great chance, at least if you want to publish the app seriously. In terms of software technology, you can build everything as far as possible, but no bank will work with you unless you have any certificate. But once you only work with “Virtual Money”, this could be an interesting project. In addition, you would have to get a suitable privacy statement when publishing, which is very expensive for such apps (which earn their money by selling data) and therefore also costs a lot.

1 year ago

You can’t explain this in 1-2 sentences. Is a lot of backend programming and you need solid knowledge in the relevant programming languages. It’s difficult to implement as Laie is impossible. Security is also an important factor, databases and more.

1 year ago

They don’t change. If you don’t have any knowledge then you don’t.