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1 year ago

New account with another bank.

From the previous account, rebook the entire balance to the new one. Put the dispocredit and the s. g. patient overdraft of the previous account to 0. Then each direct debit is rejected due to insufficient coverage.

Do not use an account relocation service. Instead, the authorised direct debits of the last 13 months pass and inform the companies concerned themselves about the new bank account. Dito for “payers” (content, etc.)

The bank of the previous account should you in detectable form indicate the illegal debits. They are legally obliged to react immediately.

However, it would be unusual for both bank and police to react so passively. This is usually due to the unclear communication and perception/expectation of the person concerned.

I can’t take several weeks now to be zoomed

If you follow, you don’t have to take it.

and then I have to justify myself in a few months when all the warnings are inflated.

You won’t come around… it doesn’t matter if the dealer doesn’t get his money because you book back or because the account is locked… if he doesn’t get money and the scam isn’t obvious, he will turn to the account owner.

I’ll advise you to the gang to the lawyer. It’s more about money. There is usually such an investment.