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Sitz Situation im Flugzeug?
Gratis Zusatzsitzplatz für breitere Personen Es fint eine Pedition die fordert das übergewichtife Menschen nicht mehr im Flieger diskriminierend werden solln indem sie 2 Tickets kaufen solln. Wie steht ihr dazu?
Dürfen Datteln, getrocknete Feigen und trockenen Reis mit ins Handgepäck?
Will aus dein Irak nach Deutschland zurück fliegen…Brauche dringend eine Antwort danke im voraus:)
Not at all, it should not matter to your acquaintances if they can’t afford a flight is their bad luck!
the good old flight shame. If you rarely fleee, it’s powerless. If the other way of life is as environmentally friendly as possible, that’s fine. This isn’t as bad as it is often said. At least one tries to be as efficient as possible in this industry, while the car industry is still completely overpowered cars.
If your well-known lives in a concrete house, drive a car with more than 150 hp or have made a cruise in recent years, look Formula 1 or Moto GP, they don’t need to talk at all. And if they own an electric car, because soooo is environmentally friendly, they are only pseudo environmentalists. They can be classified for this.
The airlines provide co2 charges. Not really, but just pretend and wait for someone to notice.
You could argue that a ship or train trip takes too long.
And a ship trip is significantly more harmful
I’ll make a long finger, others will go with the Aida.
And Greta flies
Not at all.
You can just give the acquaintance right.
“I have to fly, I am the pilot!”
During the holiday, the SUV remains in the garage. That’s the same as that. If there’s another box of Krombacher, a piece of rainforest has also been saved. That should be enough.
“With the plane?”
– “Ne, I always take our G-class!”
Zack. Silence. Topic done.