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what have the people done before when there was neither mobile phone, tablet etc, and the nurseries were equipped without TV? if they did not get a visit or any investigations, then they have read a (or several) books, alternatively also magazines/magazines, with room- enjoyed playing social games (e.g. card games) from my grandma zB I know or that she had once taken to a hospital in her gown with wool!
For example, you can buy a mystery book (or order someone if you can buy it) or read a book or talk to other people who are there (if you like) :,)
Not at all, you don’t have more than your phone. Except you can do sports, but if you’re in the hospital, that’s unlikely.
Well, there’s already a lot of things that got gennant here
Read books and write letters.
But if I tell you that, or in Hong Kong, a bag of rice will stay the same. The generation of smartphones can not think further than to Hendi.
If you’re a patient, you could hear music or sleep.
As an employee, you always have something to do.
People I am naturally patient, otherwise I wouldn’t ask
You didn’t write that into the question, I didn’t know.
But that’s why I also replied to both 🙂
Yes, yes.
But honestly, on good question everything is possible. 🥲😅
But who needs to be busy during work would be sad
It depends on why you’re in the hospital.
I could suggest you crochet now. If you’re in the Kh because of a broken hand, you can’t crochet with it…
Read the book, for example.
You can kiss volunteers.
This time it went with the lock-up to be really fix . Madness .
I type: still today
Me too haha
Existing should be good, you could try
Read, TV, listen to music!
Read a book?
Do you know anything like that?
Yeah? I read a lot
Fine. then you can talk to your fellow patients in the room. TV shows?
I have God thanks to a single room, yes clear but look dear Netflix etc. and no tv
Read a book
Are you a patient or an employee? In the latter case, this question is incomprehensible. you always have something to do.
patient natural…
And this comes out of your question without doubt?
Reading, solving puzzles, knitting, crocheting, painting
ask whether domestic employment therapy is offered.