Wie kann man sich ein bedingungsloses Einkommen erarbeiten?

Vorweg: Mir ist bewusst, dass ein Einkommen nicht zu 100% bedingungslos ist und ohne Arbeit nichts läuft.

Aber was könnte man machen, damit man ein finanzielles Einkommen hat, dass wenig beansprucht?
Hab schon öfters gelesen, dass man Wohnungen kaufen sollte und sie dann vermieten lässt.

Was sagt ihr?

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4 months ago

2 mio Euro fixed with 4% and you already have your basic income with which you can live very well

4 months ago

Passive income flows are often part of financial freedom. You have already mentioned the most popular option: real estate. In addition, you can also invest in REITs. REITs are listed companies that invest in real estate. The advantage is that you don’t even have to manage an apartment yourself.

Here are some other options for passive income:

  • Dividend shares. Shares of companies that regularly pay dividend
  • P2P loans. You forgive credit and receive interest
  • Royalties. You deserve money with your creative work. For example, by writing a book or producing music, but you can buy the rights

Nevertheless, you should be aware that passive income flows still require active work in the present to earn money in the future. You should therefore still invest money and regularly monitor the sources of passive income.

4 months ago

You can do it. But to buy apartments, capital is necessary. If you don’t get it through inheritance, it must be worked out.

4 months ago

Yes Apartment for sale and rental is of course very good!

4 months ago

This always depends on the amount of the asset. Personally, I tend to divide everything and not put on a single horse.

Thus, for example, 1/3 real estate, 1/3 ETFs and the rest are mixed conventionally as daily money or day money and fixed money.