Wie kann man sich das ausziehen in einem jungen Alter finanzieren?

Ich möchte gerne so schnell wie möglich ausziehen weil es mir Zuhause einfach nicht gefällt und es generell einfach Probleme gibt. Gerade bin ich 14 Jahre alt was natürlich zu jung zum ausziehen ist,aber bis ich 18 bin muss ich ja auch irgendwie das Geld zusammen bringen. Was könnte ich alles machen nach der Schule um Geld zu verdienen? Mein Plan ist es eigentlich erstmal FSJ zu machen und dann zu gucken wegen Abitur/Ausbildung und all den anderen Kram. Denkt ihr ich kriege das irgendwie auf die Reihe? Muss ja kein großes Luxus-Haus oder so sein einfach eine kleine aber feine 1 oder 2-Zimmer Wohnung:)

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1 month ago

Well, there are holiday jobs etc. where you can save something.
Until you are 18, you will certainly earn money (if you are struggling at school!)
and then there are possibilities such as Bafög etc. where rental costs are partly taken over, but also rental allowance if you are well earned.

1 month ago

With 14 you can do minijobs. ZB in discounter goods box, export brochures etc.

Yes you don’t deserve much, but it’s enough to save… even with small steps you get to the destination.

As soon as they were allowed to carry it out with brochures, my daughters asked several local editors and organized the tours so that they put them together. During the summer holidays they worked in the local ice cream shop or in the swimming pool café.

Both have managed to finance the driver’s license (with 17) without mother’s help.

Both have thus also financed their first own building… both of which have been pulled in WGs (furnished rooms)…because bail, initial equipment and the current rental prices were just financially too much.

1 month ago

18 years ago, you could contact the youth office. They can allow you to live a cared for.

When you’re done with the Abitur, you can do work and travel.

If you want to study, you can go to a WG room.

1 month ago

You can save the wages from a mini-job until you get out. You’ll get money in training. You are also entitled to your child’s money and possibly Bafoeg. There is no maintenance as long as there is no good reason for an excerpt.

1 month ago
Reply to  Easygoing775

“Request for children’s money” has the child’s allowance, this is always a parent according to the law!

1 month ago
Reply to  Dea2019

Right, but the parents can pass it on to their child if they agree. As long as you need the money for the child’s maintenance.

1 month ago

If the child leaves the parental apartment permanently, the parents are even obliged to forward the child’s allowance to the child! If they do not, the child may request the branch of the child’s money to himself.

1 month ago

Then start using your money more controlled. That you’re getting less from now on, which is not vital and so.

1 month ago

You have to go to work to finance this.