Wie kann man schnell und einfach/gratis eine eigene Webseite machen?
Weiß irgendjemand, wie man sich gratis, schnell und einfach eine Webseite erstellt?
Es wäre auch okay, wenn es eine KI wäre.
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Weiß irgendjemand, wie man sich gratis, schnell und einfach eine Webseite erstellt?
Es wäre auch okay, wenn es eine KI wäre.
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Moien.versuche ein datum in eine ecke zu bekommen welche steht noch nicht 100% fest.Aber hab 0 plan wie das allgemein geht,hab auch erst gerstern abend (1am) spontan damit angefangen die basic zu lernen.also so variablen,werte,und string.Bis jz hab ich das \/ Aber sagen wir mal ich ich will es oben rechts in die ecke bekommen…
Was glaubt ihr, bringt uns die KI Fortschritt oder birgt sie mehr Gefahren?
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So wie es im Titel lautet. Ich mache irgendwas falsch aber weiß nur nicht was, kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?
Ich wollte diese Augen Steuer funktion testen aber ich finde keine Taste in den bedienungshilfen woran liegt das? iOS 18
for quick and easy creation of your own website there are several platforms that even offer free options. Popular providers like Wix, Weebly or WordPress.com allow you to create a website within minutes without having to program it. These services offer drag-and-drop editors that allow you to place and customize items on your page. They also offer a variety of templates that you can use for your design.
An AI-based website building platform like Zyro could be interesting for even easier creation. These platforms use artificial intelligence to further simplify and accelerate the process of website creation.
Note, however, that the free versions of these services often have certain limitations, such as advertising on your site, using a subdomain of the provider (e.g. your site.wixsite.com) or restricted functions. For extended functions or a separate domain, you usually have to choose a paid plan.
Why does the website sound so strange (SUS)?
There are certain providers such as jimdoo etc. where you can make your own website free of charge but with advertising without technical knowledge.
Would advise you from the free hostings or read exactly whether this is right with regard to the GDPR and above all why the hosting is free of charge, ultimately the providers also have expenses with it and want to somehow earn money (maybe they will bomb your website with advertising).
If you can program yourself, go to IONOS, Strato, etc. Choose a German provider because of the GDPR, as an alternative a provider that sits in an EU country, everything outside will be difficult to privacy. (cost about 5€ per month).
If you can’t program, you’ll have to use a kit like WIX or Jimdo, but they’re expensive (WIX EditorX costs about 25€ a month).
Programming a website is fast and costs nothing. To host the website you could previously use replit, which meanwhile costs. Do you have to see what alternatives there are to replit.
Mfg white bread
This depends entirely on your own knowledge and willingness to use.
If you do it yourself, it costs always Lifetime. And this is not free.
The less knowledge you have in the area, the more time it costs.
I created a website with Google Sites at the time. Completes for simple requirements. It will certainly cost. At least the web hosting. But I’m not sure if Google sites are still free.
It is.
Wix and Jimdo.
Not the best performance, not promotional/banner-free, not completely without up, but works and free
Nothing in this world is free, my friend…
Thanks for the info xD
Programming is free as well as the website hosting (without custom domain).
Your statement is wrong
It’s time.