Wie kann man quick driver update deinstallieren?
Ich hab mir was aus dem Internet runtergeladen dann haben sich gleich um die 5 Apps installiert, 4 konnte ich gleich löschen allerdings ist da noch eine und zwar Quick driver update. Die app wird mir nirgends auf meinem PC angezeigt geht aber manchmal von alleine auf, was kann ich da machen und ist die app schädlich?
Do you also have a solution for this because there is still so ne app that just came in 360 extreme browser
… I don’t know – but probably to edit in the same way. If the app is not linked in the start menu with a uninstall function, you will find in the Control/Programs and Features after a “passing suspicious” entry, and uninstall it there.
If it’s not an app, but a process, you’ll find in Task Manager/Processes also after a suspected entry. Here you can only disable the suspected process beforehand to determine whether it is a system-relevant process. The locations of the process tools are also linked here. At the storage location it is already possible to recognize many times whether it is a system process or not.
If it’s a browser extension, you’ll find the settings of your internet browser for Enlargement management (or so similar – depending on the browser used) and uninstall the extension here.
Had the same problem.
Go to your explorer and enter into the search bar Driver Updater, I came to uninstall “Driver Updater`