Wie kann man Pferden das nicht fressen auf Kommando beibringen?

Scheinbar habe ich die Frage falsch gestellt was mir leid tut natürlich möchte ich meinem Pferd das fressen nicht verbieten sondern nur das grasen auf Kommando beibringen damit wir entspannte Spaziergänge machen können

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1 year ago

If I understand it correctly, it refers to time on hand or ridden.

It is important that the horse does not eat if you don’t want it. I built the command “friss” and point to the grass. There’s nothing the horses learn faster. But that’s it. It is not eaten without command. You have to be consistent

1 year ago

A permanent eater always eats when you leave him. If he doesn’t, I’d see my address book after the veterinarian’s number.

1 year ago

My horses have learned this way:

We stand on the meadow, knit very short, my hand on the chest.
Horse lowers the head to the meadow, doesn’t get ran, pressure through halters. I keep quiet, no pulling, no breaking.
Horse needs a few approaches before it understands it generates the pressure itself.
My body language was relaxed, but clear: “Here and now is not eaten”.

After a few seconds, of course, I dissolved and let the horse eat. I then extended the intervals of the “not eating” in seconds. In the meantime, we stand on meadows without eating, of course my horse keeps checking if it is not slow for a bite of meadow…

I have linked the permission of grass to a command. The ban.
After some time, my horses had all understood what command means, they generally go well on voice.

1 year ago

I clearly guide the hand with the knit towards the ground and say “okay”.

1 year ago

Why would you do that?

A horse may decide whether to eat it or not…

1 year ago
Reply to  FunnyFanny

No. Not at all. If you’re walking/outrunning your horse/pony just starts to graze, then it’s not okay. The horse may decide

1 year ago

But it was asked how to teach the horse “eating on command”… this is something completely different than you just write…

1 year ago

First step consistently prohibit grass eating.

The second step is to consider a squad. For example, I push down between the ears.

And then simply use d’s command, the horses learn this insanely fast.

1 year ago

Can’t you, a horse on average 18 hours a day.

1 year ago

Strange question? Don’t you have a horse if you give him something?

You can then give any commands.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee4eeeeee

Then you asked the question “wrong around”. So you really want to know how to make sure that the horse does NOT eat constantly without command…😅

1 year ago

Not at all.

1 year ago

How did they teach you?