Wie kann man online einen Seetest machen der einen?
Jemand aus der Familie der zur Zeit nitcht zu einem Optiker gehen kann benötigt eine Brille für die Ferne (Fernseher) und wir wissen nicht welche Sehstärke sie hat.
Gibt es irgend eine Methode mit der man mittels Tablet oder Smartphone einen einiger maßen die Dioptrien bestimmen kann um dann z.B. bei Mr Spex eine passene Brille bestellen zu können?
In the way determined, no serious optician sells you even only one milk glass disc!
Then there at the time no glasses.
Suitable glasses are not only determined by the dioptriene. Furthermore, the lenses must be centered for the adaptation in the spectacle frame. Both are not possible from a distance, and with an app not at all.
The person must wait until she can pick up an optician.
Don’t think this is working with a test at home.
Some diagnoses are too special. Of course, you can determine if you are short or long-sighted. But a determination in the 1⁄4-Dioptrin area is only possible with tools.
Or is there an app?
If there is no, there can not be.
Then the optician comes to the house!
But he doesn’t come to make you glasses for under 100,- it costs between 400,- and 800,- Not everyone can afford that.
You’ve got to tell him before.
Why can the family member not go to the doctor?
Are there any glasses?
The ophthalmologist can get there at any time, she’s safe from duty and free of charge, so you don’t cost anything.
The doctor then puts her out a prescription for visual aids, where she again gets a glasses at the zero rate. So cost for all 0€.
It’s best to talk to her family doctor or nurse, they’ll help you.
It is practically mediocre, lies half-sidedly paralyzed to a nursing home and situation is currently very difficult health insurance, social welfare office etc. are currently making problems in the cost-saving of aids and taking over the accommodation costs.
There is no glasses yet – the weakness of vision has become evident only after the cerebral hemorrhage.
I’m just trying to organize an emergency solution for everything. Telephone, Internet, cable TV there is nothing thereon or there was in the room in which it lies.
We soon spent 2000,- to provide them with the most necessary and I can’t shoot 600,- for glasses again.