Wie kann man nach Dateiendungen suchen (z.b .exe)?

Hey, Ich möchte meine Externe Festplatte (Daten) Sortieren in bestimmten Ordner verlegen und wollte fragen wie ich Suchen kann das er nur .exe oder z.b .pdf finden kann

Ich habe zwar auch andere Dateien im Festplatte aber kann man das mit irgendein Tool machen das man Genau nach der Dateiendung suchen kann?

MfG FlyingCat972

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2 years ago


I want Notes, the files created by yourself, such as text or image files, not reasonablethe Files from installed programs or Windows system files to sort in extra folder!

In the end nothing goes more because the programs and also Windows are looking for these files to the specified folders and then just can’t find them anymore!

Best regards from Leipzig

2 years ago
Reply to  FlyingCat972

In Windows Explorer, the files are sorted by TYP, but are already displayed in order….

2 years ago

I like to use for this Catfish.

Alternatively, you can also use the command line: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/find/

2 years ago

With “*.exe” the “*.pdf” it goes with * as a placeholder!

Best program to quickly find files and find is “Agent Ransack”.

2 years ago

You are looking for *.exe to find all exe files and search for *.pdf to search for PDF. However, I would like to advise you to postpone the data arbitrarily. Many programs resort to data they suspect in the directory in which they are themselves. Missing this can be all possible errors.

ChrisCat1, UserMod Light

On Windows you can search for *.exe or *.pdf.

The * acts as a placeholder.

2 years ago

If you don’t want to install extra tools, simply enter Windows Explorer (Windows button + E) and in the search box “*.exe” or “*.pdf” or whatever you want to search.

2 years ago

you enter the search field from the Explorer – * (high star) followed by the . point and the ending – e.g. *.exe or *.pdf then return and your exe files are listed

1 year ago

Enter the search in Explorer *.filedung.

1 year ago


Input in search window


2 years ago

You’re just looking for “.exe, or .pdf” with point ahead

2 years ago

…how about entering “.exe” in the search bar?