Wie kann man möglichst günstig Flüge ergattern?

Moin, habe mir schon das Wissen von einigen “Gurus” reingezogen, wobei deren Tipps sich eher ähneln und recht simpel sind. Flüge bspw. nach Südamerika sind leider sehr teuer und würde so viel sparen wie möglich und bin gespannt, ob ihr mir noch einige Tipps verraten könnt, da ich auch noch nie einen Flug gebucht habe.

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2 years ago

Hey, I’m mostly looking for skyscanner.

South America is quite big. Where are you going?

TAP Portugal, for example, flies from Germany via Lisbon to Brazil and much cheaper than Lufthansa

2 years ago


where their tips are more similar and are quite simple

That could be because it’s also simple. It is best to save by booking early, being as flexible as possible and taking a non-refundable rate. Ideally, you should also fly anticyclically.

A destination to which business travelers often fly is most expensive when you take the flights back and forth Sunday night. Classic tourist destinations are most expensive when you fly back and forth on Friday.

You shouldn’t book on the weekend, because you have a lot of time. Tuesday is probably the cheapest day.

On the other hand, you have to say that if you spend 10 hours searching and save 80 € at the end, you could have worked in a side job just as 10 hours and get even more out…

LG, Chris

2 years ago

Well, you can only book what is offered and there are secret fares or the like. It only helps to compare and see all the possibilities.