Wie kann man K Pop Idol werde?

Hi Leute

ich bin 12 Jahre alt, meine Eltern sind Ostasiaten und ich will K Pop Idol werden was ziemlich schwierig werden könnte, weil

  1. Meine Eltern moslem sind und gewaltig was dagegen haben
  2. Ich in Deutschland lebe
  3. Meine Familie mich eine Schande nennen und mir keine Hoffnungen geben

Also ich bin die Einzige in meiner Familie die kein moslem ist, in Deutschland geboren ist und auch wenn mir niemand Hoffnung macht kann ich sehr gut tanzen, singen, rappen und sehe auch wirklich gut aus. ich bin 1,57 groß und der Arzt meinte das das meinte Endgröße sei.

Jetzt weiß ich nicht was ich machen soll.

Hat einer von euch vielleicht Tipps für mich?

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2 years ago

So I was born in Germany, my mother is East Asian. Well, do an audition at a particular entertainment, if you have hip hop and freestyle on it okay. Singing should be able to sing deep/normal and high. You’re supposed to move to South Korea sometime within a few years. To adjust you there etc

2 years ago
Reply to  ENGENE241

Oh yes and Korean UNBEDINGT LERNEN. I’m in a course I’m discreet on the price

2 years ago

Oh, that dilemma all the time.

If the situation is already this way, it is only as soon as possible that the situation will be self-employed.

2 years ago

Take this out of your head and make a normal vocational training sometime. But you’re only 11, you can still dream.

2 years ago

Oh, man, sry if that sounds so harsh now, but I don’t understand why so many girls at the age of 10-15 always want to be kpop idol? It’s really not easy as idol and you know whether you’re going to debut at all, whether you look asian or not, and if you look good, and if you have talent, the entertainments always want people who can at least as much Korean to communicate properly.

I advise you to do this, for good reason on you will be exercised such a strong psychic durck, you usually need to make diets, you need to train up to the win usually (many trainees train up to 10 hours, depending on whether more or less and make hardly any break) as said it also comes to whether you are going to debut at all and if you should make it, the artist can not work as the group arrives on solo. You’ll hardly find sleep and since you’re still very young you have school duty and that’ll be harder. In addition, it can happen that you or someone from the group will be or threatened, many idols suffer from severe depression and many have committed suicide due to depression or pressure suicide, for example jonghyun from shinee 2017 that was really a shock in the industry and in many foundoms is still brewed today.

As I said, I would really advise you to do that if I had a daughter at your age, I would also prohibit her for these reasons.

2 years ago
Reply to  KpopBtsBlp23

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2 years ago

I am 11 years old

I think you shouldn’t even be on the Internet forums at that age.

2 years ago

I have a tip:

Leave it.