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Namen für eine Geschichte?
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I would recommend you to write diletters that hold a small but very beautiful podcast on YouTube. The two authors have already made more than 500 episodes about all possible subjects of the novel. A very small but very sympathetic channel with two slightly chaotic and lovable authors.
They are very detailed on the respective question and also discuss traps in which more inexperienced authors like to fall on this subject, examples from books where they were very successful, or how they dealt with the subject in their own books.
This episode here I would recommend to you:
On the speeds of 47 minutes… hm… in the first 10, there’s not one thing that could answer the question in the first place. Two argue about whether pity is a good point for writing a touching novel… Well, I can be, but I didn’t want the two gentlemen after 10 minutes.
Hi, yes, I understand. With the quick ones, I’d rather say the result I’ve been looking for the quick one. I usually listen to the two as a podcast next door, so I certainly have different demands in this regard and also accept them differently. For some, it’s a help, for someone else, a scriber might be a better source.
In order to describe feelings in a story, it takes a sense of empathy. ^^
I hope I could help you a little.
Through powerful words and descriptions
Describe what happens in the body of character. His head turns red; the cheeks flow down to him; his heart rests; his hands are sweaty; he trembles; his throat becomes dry; unintentionally, his mouth angles go down; laugh; …
Metaphers or compare: His heart bursts into a thousand splinters; butterflies in the abdomen; explode before anger; his anger like a blazing fire; heart slip into his pants; His heart was envoured; …
actions/ what the character wants to make from the expression of the emotion/ To the reader show the impact of the emotion and name the actual emotion: He wanted to hit the wall; He cried; He grieved in embryo posture into a corner; His instinct immediately told him to leave the room and never come again; He lay on the ground and stared at the ceiling; …
It was written twice, but metaphors, adjectives and literal speech. What helped me very much was to read stories with the topic (be it books or fanfictions) and then also like to write out examples that I found particularly good.
What stories do you mean? What topic?
Of course, it’s the genre you want to write. But theoretically everything goes.
How’s that going? Can you give me examples?
Speech / thoughts Speech:
And he/she thought, “Why am I afraid? I don’t understand myself.”
“If he/she only knew how mad/traurig/froh I am just”
Her anger was as big as a high house.
Yes that last was a funny comparison but I didn’t think of anything better
Through metaphors.
Can you give me examples?
Look here: samples