Wie kann man fliessend Japanisch lernen?
Hey, lerne seit circa 4 Monaten selbstständig Japanisch. Ich bin zurzeit ungefähr auf einem Stand, mit dem ich bspw als Tourist in Alltagssituationen (Essen bestellen, nach dem Weg fragen…) klarkommen könnte. Ich beherrsche auch alle Kana Zeichen und auch schon um die 30 Kanjis. Zurzeit nutze ich hauptsächlich Duolingo und zusätzlich noch paar gute Webseiten, die hauptsächlich Dinge erklären. Ich merke aber, dass es in den Duolingo Lerninhalten sehr langsam zugeht und sich vieles oftmals wiederholt. Hat jemand Tipps, wie ich schneller effektiv mehr lernen kann und bspw auch mehr Kanjis und Grammatik lerne? (Duolingo erklärt Grammatik nicht wirklich gut)
If you’ve been learning for four months and you’ve already said that you’d get clear in everyday situations as a tourist, then I have to break a lance because I think the expectation wouldn’t come true. With this fast output you could make some questions, but would probably be overwhelmed with the reaction of the opponent, because you would not understand demand and the like as well as you think. This is a reality. that many face each other. That’s not supposed to demotivate, that’s normal.
Duolingo is not a good way to learn. As learners repeatedly report that they cannot really apply the knowledge acquired there in reality and ask users how good they are, always result in silence.
There is only one way to really learn a language. And ignore apps like Duolingo vehement. And he’s immersion as she describes the linguist Stephen Krashen. We only learn a language by understanding messages in this language. So it doesn’t matter to just add you to the dictionary and to pauken Kanji or the like. If you don’t get an input, you can’t move forward and even after years would be overwhelmed with the simplest books.
So how do you really learn Japanese? By reading Japanese books and watching series. But not only passively, but with reproach, you really understand everything. To explain how exactly this is going is a little complicated. I described all this in detail on my website:
With enough time, the JLPT N1 is quite realistic in one year. It doesn’t mean there’s nothing to learn after that. Above all, because the JLPT is only about understanding, but not talking and writing.
Not with Duolingo, that’s true.
There are really many offers for Japanese. Which one are good… tja. Meanwhile there are already at least three users here who offer something about this. If you find their offers well, you can write it, but if you find them bad, you can’t write it here, for example, because it’s against the user and that’s against the etiquette, that’s why good question.de is not a good place (more) to talk about it. Thank God, the managing director of Duolingo is not a user here who aggressively markets his app, otherwise you should not say anything about Duolingo.
But what I can say positively is that I personally had very good experiences with VHS courses up to about B2. Language lessons in Japan are the best I had, but of course you have to get there first… if you’re not a student, you usually have no access. And language schools (even if I wasn’t on anyone) are incredibly expensive and have an enormous pace (if I can believe those who were on one).
The impatience of the learners is often what impairs the learning outcome. As I said, Duolingo is really not the yellow of the egg, but good teaching repeats and works in pieces. Japanese doesn’t learn in a year. For example, if you look at Kanji, even Japanese learn the first 1026 Kanji for a period of 5-6 years. I don’t see any reason why you should try to undercut this as a non-mother speaker who learns Japanese alongside school or work as a hobby. Attempts to do this always mean that things are only learned so half-heartedly, and that’s coming. Earlier or later.
The problem with some critique of offers such as yours is always… that you had no argument, but only “That’s stupid! Because you’re stupid! I had often asked you what exactly you found bad about my argumentation… there never came back an answer. And with me, it’s really easy to look at everything, because it’s completely free. Critique can be… then you only need a basis for criticism and argumentation that goes beyond ad hominem.
…the ideal case would be if you were friends with a Japanese. for example from
a university in Germany.