Wie kann man erwachsene überreden, dass ich mir eine xBox kaufen darf?
Ich möchte mit meinen Freunden endlich Ark: Survival evolved spielen, darf mir aber keinen Pc und keine Konsole kaufen, da mein Vater völlig gegen Videospiele ist. Wie würdet ihr eure Eltern überreden, dass ihr euch eine gebrauchte xBoxkaufen dürft?
would stop looking into a deal.
Takeover of housework e.g.
Ensure that the notes, sports etc do not suffer from it.
together with him make up for some time.
No bad ideas but I’m just about to fall into math
that is of course stupid xD. yes sorry if the notes do not fit I see black.
I was just allowed to shock because my parents didn’t have to worry about school
But I can taste the remaining things
Not at all.
If your father is so obvious about it, he will not be inclined to change his mind if you become annoying with it.
You might be right
How old are you?
Vllt you should come up with your parents in other work and bring the point you want to play with your friends and that is just part of it today and normal!