Wie kann man ein Kollegenschwein sein, nur um nicht das Gefühl zu haben, dass man verarscht wird?
Das trifft auf einen Kollegen von mir zu, der meldet jede Kleinigkeit beim Chef und macht Fotos davon und schickt sie dem Chef, wenn er in seiner Schicht nicht alles perfekt vorfindet . Er sagte, er will nicht verarscht werden, und aus dem Grund nimmt er es in Kauf, von keinem anderen Kollegen gemocht zu werden.
Wie wird man so?
There are people who feel better when they shut down others.
They then have the “Vaseline suit”, crawl back at the boss and look forward to it. They are in almost every company, often in offices.
We also have such a fog crow that doesn’t get a man, smokes like a blot, rustles like a dying swan and constantly makes colleagues bad. But that she takes her 15 minutes of pause every hour, that’s all right…
These are dissatisfied, often underexposed and stupid, evil people.
Just find the conversation with your boss. Tell him that you feel harassed by how the offensive colleague documents every slightest violation. as a good boss, he can’t ignore it.
I would seriously consider looking for a different place if the boss does nothing against it and/or even promotes it.
If he doesn’t respond to your request, I’d just say to the boss that if he asks for what, you can tell him that you have one or two potential employers who would like to see one. Maybe he’ll figure out if he gives you up.
You know where he works, you don’t need to know more to thank you 😉
It used to be rather rare today, unfortunately normal.
Some people are just so