Wie kann man Eier zubereiten, ohne dass…?
Hallo in die Runde!
Ich habe mit vielen Lebensmitteln Probleme. Da Eier sehr gesund und gut zum abnehmen sind, würde ich sie dennoch gerne essen.
Allerdings finde ich A) die Konsistenz sehr abneigent, wenn das Eigelb irgendwie flüssig ist, oder beim braten vom öl und/oder Eiweiß diese gelben, harten Ränder entstehen.
B)Der wichtigste Grund, ist allerdings der Geruch von Eiern bei z.B Rührei. Von beiden Sachen wird mir sehr schnell übel.
Wiedersagt will ich Eier dennoch gerne konsumieren.
Hat jemand Ideen, wie man Eier (gesund) zubereiten kann, ohne dass die Eier diesen “Eier-geruch” bekommen?
You could try to cook them hard and eat cold, so or on bread or in a salad.
However, you should not impose them if the suggestions do not fit. I think your grandson will get even stronger in the stupidest case. You can also live and take off without eggs.
to cover or cover the smell.
spontaneously, I thought you’d keep your nose or do a laundry clip on it. but I don’t think that’s helpful.
otherwise make an omlette with meat etc
yes I’m a vegetarian XD. The laundry clip is also good hahahaha. However, spices do not quite help, the smell is somehow so extreme.
You have the egg odour, is also an egg.
Do you have any idea what? If I only cook it, it is not as strong as in a scrambled egg or something
Fresh things that taste more intense. Chili, pepper, parsley, rocket. Soy sauce, various spice mixtures etc.
If you don’t taste, it doesn’t taste, eggs are neither healthier than other foods, nor in any way promoting weight loss.
Otherwise you have to get precooked eggs.
Egg salad, pancake with double amount of egg, late zle with extra egg, cake, …
Well, I want to take off the XD cake is a bit problematic, or stop flour/coal hydrates