Wie kann man die Schaltzüge bei einem Peugeot Fahrrad, wenn zwei Schaltzüge vorhanden einstellen?
Ich habe ein altes Peugeot Rad, welches jedoch lange nur herumstand und nun reaktiviert werden soll. Folgendes Problem hat sich nun ergeben: Und zwar hat das Rad die Züge zwar noch in der Schaltung am Lenker, jedoch nicht mehr am hinter Rad. Dann wollte ich die Züge, Achtung Plural, mit der Schaltung verbinden, es gibt jedoch nur eine Möglichkeit dafür. Den anderen kriege ich nirgends eingebaut. Warum gibt es nun diese zwei Züge und wo sollen diese hin?
Ich habe dazu keine Kenntnisse, jedoch will ich es einfach mal probieren, weil ich daran Interesse habe. Sonst tut es mir leid, dass ich keine Bilder habe, sollte dies obligatorisch sein, stellte ich sie dazu ein.
Schonmal vielen Dank und Lg
Switching levers on 4, then both trains on tension, that is to say they are tensioned, but do not pull the kits out.
There are problems, ask further! I’m a specialist for the two-speed Penta. Turn both kits out and spray some WD40 in, is definitely a tip.
Okay, thank you. However, I must accept your offer with the other questions:), because I have not yet understood how – as seen on the second picture – this “adapter” must be inserted?
I just missed the first picture. So on the left you have the kitten. On the right is unfortunately the more important. You’ve got three courses with that. It’s the short one.
But be careful! There are different thicknesses where the clamping sleeve comes on. This should fit your clamping sleeve:
On the second picture I see the shift lever. Fortunately, this is the second version, the more stable lever.
On the other picture the (one) switching chain is missing. It looks like this:
These kittens are screwed into the hub, the longer left. Unfortunately, they are often broken because the wheel can fall on it. Only in later versions did Sachs provide a protective bracket.
The clamping sleeve is then simply plugged onto the thicker end of the switching chain.
Thank you very much! You’ve also found the links. 👍👍
Some of the circuits that have 2 trains need a so-called “click box” mounted on the axle. The trains are hung in.
It will be a pull for the thrower (left shift lever) and a pull for the gear (right shift lever). And there will also be appropriate guided tours.
What else can I not imagine at the best will and would ask for appropriate pictures.
Ah, because my new name has come on: I have no idea about hub circuits, in which case please ignore my answer.
I’ve set a few pictures now, because I was thinking of the rear derailleur – I’ve seen other old wheels – but the bike has no rear derailleur. This is why I am questioned. But still thank you for the quick answer!
If you’re really interested in what’s going on inside, you have to start here, version sun gear fixed:
Jup, hub gear. I’m out of here.
But it looks like there should be a train on the right side just like on the left side.
The right train controls the good old three-speed hub circuit.
The left train boosts the translations. It makes the third larger and the first smaller by pulling the force flow to a second sun with a second set of planets. The Penta is a two-stage planetary gear. The left train also likes to hang in the old fat.
Okay, thanks. I’m just going to a specialist store.