Wie kann man besser Singen (W/14)?
Ich besuche im Herbst ein Musik-Gymnasium und da wird viel gesungen. Ich bin aber nicht gerade gut drinn und ja. Habt ihr irgenwelche Tipps? Ich will keinen gesangs-Unterricht nehmen, weil mich Schule und 5-Stunden Geige (Täglich) schon genug stresst.. Ich würde alles dafür tun singen zu können und werde auch viel üben
the most important thing when singing is breathing.
This is quite simple: lie flat on your back, put your hand on your belly and notice what happens when breathing. In the back position, you automatically breathe as you should do during singing (dwarf smiling). The belly comes out, the shoulders stay down.
Keep this kind of breathing ‘in the belly’ while standing.
Besides, you have plenty of cavities in your head. Imagine that you will make her ring with your voice. So your voice gets volume.
With high tones, you imagine that you put it from above on a step and do not stick it under the table top like an old chewing gum.
If you look at a clear pronunciation (and of course the sounds meet), you can start.
Have fun.
Best regards,
Ok woooww! These tips are mega! Thank you very much! definitely get the star when he is ready!
Thank you for the star.
If you want to improve your singing, you should take singing lessons.
And yes, I have read your question completely, yet this is the correct answer.
ok thanks I think about it
There’s no way to get a real improvement.