Wie kann man bei FB lachende Emojis löschen?
Moin, Moin, seit geraumer Zeit setzen mir irgendwelche Idioten lachende Emojis auf meine Facebook-Seite – z.b. unter Glückwünsche usw. Nun weiss aber auch, dass so etwas genutzt wird, um ein Thema lächerlich zu machen. Jetzt kann am zwar die betreffende Person blockieren, aber der Emoji ist immer noch zu sehen.
Weiss jemand, ob es eine Funktion bei FB gibt, die auch solche Sachen blockieren – bzw. löschen kann?
Schon jetzt bedanke ich mich für eure hilfreichen Antworten
You can delete nix with others, only chats from the user. But no more.
I’m just asking this question. It would have to go, unfortunately, the answers are not. I have a sad contribution and there’s a laughing Smily. It’s just inappropriate. The person was a spammer and wanted to be ridiculous. As much as I welcome the various emojis otherwise, I do not think that is good. Just when you’ve already blocked the person.
If you block the user, your Facebook page should also disappear.
Should be, but unfortunately it doesn’t happen.
Of course you can’t delete anything from others
Well, I could also block the user – I thought this is happening with the emoji.
Emoji has nothing to do with
You can only block others in the future, not for the past
But if you cleared those, the reactions would also have to be deleted. I can also delete comments from them. It should be changed. I also had the case, a sad contribution and a laughing Smily – that’s just not okay.
You can’t delete it, but you can block the users and then you can rest.