Wie kann man am besten mit dem zeichnen anfangen?
Ich bin extrem schlecht und habe praktisch null Erfahrung, aber möchte es unbedingt lernen.
Ich will mir bald auch ein Tablet für den PC holen (eins ohne Bildschirm), aber möchte es erst auf Papier probieren. Ich möchte Anime Charaktere zeichnen, aber auch echte Objekte und Personen abzeichnen.
Wie fang ich am besten an? Soll ich einfach anfangen Fotos von Personen abzuzeichnen und gucken wie es läuft?
Und was für Stifte soll ich am besten benutzen? Einen Bleistift? Manche zeichnen ja auch mit Kugelschreibern.
It’s not that hard. Start with everyday objects and don’t touch the stars. A cup, an old book, a tree…
Watch for shades, light incidence and details with increasing exercise.
Important is good material from the beginning. Three different pencils are sufficient for the beginning, with a proper paper – at least 150 grams, so that you can even radiate.
My first drawing was this old lion:
To learn the necessary (also transferable) methods and to avoid beginners frustration, I recommend a manual and exercise book. There are also material notes.
See eif: drawinglikeasir
I’ve been drawing a lot since the kindergarten, but you can start later, the more you practice, the better it gets with time.
I used to take pictures, but there are a lot of characters on Instagram and Youtube. You can look at something there. I used to have a book with simple step-by-step instructions. Many signs even with shapes are a rough sketch or practice individual parts to sign, such as eyes or hands and continue to work step by step.
Two years ago I bought a cheap drawing tablet (without screen) on Amazon. But I’m now thinking about selling it again via ebay and buying a proper tablet, as it’s a bit too cumbersome to me without a screen.
I didn’t even use it at that time, as the drawing program (Clipstudio paint) which I had brought myself was too extensive and then it was a bit too expensive to deal with the whole test stress.
get a sketchbook .- if necessary also a blank booklet, always have it and draw everything you see. Whether with ballpoint pen, with filler, with felt pencil, pencil, espresso, angled lacritz pieces, wood charcoal, soy sauce, pigments you find out…
drawing, painting, kiritzle large, small, details, outlines, elaborate.
Do not stand up with precision, but draw loose, fluffy and with swing and without thinking or losing you in petty.
If you’re full of the first 15 you’ll find that you’re getting better.
Creativity must be allowed.