Wie kann man am besten abnehmen?
Ich wiege 56 kg auf 1,65 und fühle mich sehr dick, weil ich vor einem Jahr auf derselben Größe noch so 50 kg gewogen habe und ich verstehe nicht weshalb ich so viel zunehme. Ich fühle mich in letzter Zeit sehr dick und würde gerne auf 47 kg abnehmen (ich wäre dann immer noch normalgewichtig) aber das Problem ist ich schaffe es nie eine Diät durchzuhalten. Ich falle dann immer Zurück.
Ich ware bereit zum abnehmen auf fast food und Süßigkeiten komplett zu verzichten, aber nicht zu hungern. Wie kann man abnehmen ohne, dass man hungern muss und dass man es auch lange halten kann?
You have a good weight and must in any case do not lose weight. In puberty, it’s normal for girls to put something on. If your figure is too disturbing, you are on the right path with the abandonment of fast food and sweets (and sweet drinks). You do not need any further restrictions in the diet. A bit of exercise, then you keep a healthy (and attractive) weight!
Well. You should then eat healthy things to not starve when you are hungry and move a little more.
Why don’t you go to a psychologist who’s advising you? You obviously have an eating disorder and don’t want to see it. All your questions are about food and it gets worse and worse. Find help before it’s too late:)
Good luck.
She doesn’t have an eating disorder, she just pays attention to her health. What is wrong with wanting to feed healthy?
With 35 kg, you would be so undernourished that your body can no longer -> that was then.
What if I were to weigh 35 kilos at some point? Of course, that would not be so healthy, but why ‘that was then’. Even if I were to lose up to 35 kilos WÜRDE and I would feel comfortable with it, then I would keep the weight if I felt comfortable.
No thanks
The best way to go and the questionmaker together into a facility 😅
Jaja is always easier to mine the others would turn something:)
1.aha and that’s why you’re a changing glass ball that knows the future?
2.I do not permanently deal with this I have no time at all. Then
3.of course
My goodness, your brain really seems to want to twist everything
1. I was in a clinic with many others, to whom it happened.
Two. You shouldn’t deal with the topic permanently. You can naturally increase and it would also be healthy, but the cramped is unhealthy, let it go comfortably
3. As I said, I was in a clinic with many others who have experienced it so, so I will already have experience with it
But keep it calm. You’re stuck in your mind and I just have more experience.
1.I have not claimed, but only that every person concerned does not recognize the situation
2.I don’t think you look good and don’t need to get cramped or take off (I know this isn’t your intension)
3.I have said this myself and I know enough others who have said that and also thought
Talk calmly, but whatever you say, every anorexia patient says, no matter how extreme the situation is…
Isn’t it a question? Bodywahn because I want to find myself pretty Aja. I don’t think about my weight, but okay.
And I can only say to you what I have already said:
Bodywahn, thoughts circle around the topic weight, etc.
Where does she say it should be fast? And normal weight is normal weight 🤷. What kind of womb should I have?
Almost 10kilo take off so quickly to stand on the tip to the underweight? Finding yourself very thick when you have total normal weight? You may be normal, but you don’t see your own waking.
So I don’t see anything unrealistic.
I don’t mean being healthy is totally okay, but it’s about her waking and her unrealistic body views and goals
It’s clear you can’t stumble your behavior on others? She’s just paying attention. Not everyone has to be overweight:)
I’m sorry to have to say that, but when someone has experience with the topic, I can say that their eating behavior is definitely not supernormal and the eating disorder is at least already on the way if it isn’t even there.
You’re welcome to wait.
I don’t think this will happen otherwise you would have to see it about others like that
So if you’re disturbing it, please go to your own door:)
Great. Then tell her that she has no problem. Then she weighs 35 kilos at some point and that was
I know her questions. I don’t know what’s bad about drinking water and eating its basic needs. Of course, it’s not that pralle that she cares as a child, but to deal with healthy diet because everyone has a right to also children.
Click through all your questions. Absolute eating disorder. Sick. Count each calorie. As a child.