Wie kann man 36.000€ für Energy Drinks ausgeben?
Auf reddit gab es einen Beitrag der viel Aufmerksamkeit bekam.
Die User haben sich mehr über die Gesundheit aufgeregt und dass er sich darüber viel mehr Sorgen machen müsse, als um das Geld und das er ( netto ) dadurch quasi 1 Jahr länger arbeiten muss bis er in Rente gehen kann.
Das klang auch ziemlich glaubwürdig, er hatte Fotos reingestellt wie er im Kofferraum und Rücksitzbank 10 Paletten ! voll hatte mit Billigmarken und noch ein weiteres Bild mit weiteren Dosen im Kofferraum.
Er würde etwa 120€/Monat ausgeben für seine Sucht seit 25 Jahren uns kommt so auf diese 36.000€, zuzüglich Rendite die man fürs anlegen bekäme oder halt Inflation, und auch Fahrtkosten wohl eher bisschen mehr.
Mathematically, it can’t go quite well.
If one assumes positively that a can in offer costs 1,00 € and you have to pay 0.25 € deposit, then at 36,000 € you would get to about 28,800 cans.
You don’t even have to be a math genius to realize that this does not fit the back seat and trunk for the purpose of space. If we take a 24th pallet or a 24th pack, this would be 1200 packs at 28,800 cans. This is also impossible. Even if you increase the can price and get less cans/packs and also calculate 12s, 4s and other packaging variants, the number of packs is too high. You just have to look at a can or pack for the purpose of dimensioning.
And if I look at the picture that way, it’ll surprise me. Why would a person who bought “presumably” many cans and would need room for every centimeter to stand on the backseat bench only a few packs?
What is a pallet? In Austria, the 24 pack is even specified as a “24 pallet”. So a 24 pack is a pallet?
Or are you talking about the Europal?
10x European pallets? Large car
I once looked at Metro and there you would get a Europallet RedBull (108x 24 packs = 2592 cans).
With 10 pallets, this would be 25.920 cans. Well, at 11 pallets just about 28.512 cans. Depending on the price, this can happen, but the space problem is still not resolved. Truck, VAN, Transporter, SUV?
If possible, but not in a normal car
I’m generally sceptical.
Back to the actual question.
You, people almost always spend a lot of money on something like that.
Be it hot, car, smoking, hobbies. There’s a lot more money on it.
I know a couple of pilots and people who have rough hobbies. There’s a lot more money going on. In this respect it is not so unusual.
Health is more important.
I think it’s about what he consumed over several years and not that he bought 28k diden here at once
Nicely calculated and described!
Just figure out how much deposit he gets back.
Apart from that, I think the bullshit is.
A cheap energy costs 89 cents.
In order to spend a year €36,000, he would have to buy 3370 cans every month. Then he would have 40,400 doses in one year, which cost around 36,000€.
As we talk about energy in which caffeine is, you can’t drink energy around the clock. If we assume that he drinks only 5, 10 and 20 doses daily, that would be:
But we have just assumed that he has at least 3370 doses per month, so what does he do with the remaining doses?
You see: The post is bullshit – it doesn’t come to the table, and the guy shouldn’t live anymore, he would drink as much of it as it says.
No, 36,000€ these 25 years
The good brands cost in the offer 70 – 80 cents, the cheap I got myself for 29 cents
Aah, okay, I’ve read it over with the 25 years.
So this would be 4.5 doses at 89 cents a day because it would be 134 doses a month.
But he gets back 33,60€ deposit when he brings them all back.
So my badge costs 89 cents. Minus 25 cents remain 64 cents.
So he buys 134 cans per month to stimulate his 120€. But he gets back at the end of the month when he returns the empty cans. Nevertheless, he has to spend 0.89€ per can, as on each can is deposit.
If he now splits 134 doses to the month, this is about 4.5 doses he drinks daily.
There’s nothing wrong. If you do, I’ll guess.
So or so: 4 cans is now not world-moving. Other smokers smoke two boxes a day and are already at €15-20 a day.
Pfand is extra can not count
He often drinks the cheap brands more
You go to the store, take a lot of energy drinks in the car and then pay for it. Over a longer period of time.
So what? I don’t want to know what the chain smokers spend in the month for their addiction.
But drinking the stuff literally can’t be healthy.
No smoking box. Just take care of your stuff.
vmtl so 300-600€
It’s a normal addiction. Ask smokers what he gives.
That’s cheap stuff. Water, caffeine .. most of them are taxes, storage costs, transport costs, which can itself is recycled ..
The content is in the cent range. Water and additives in there.
You’ve listed a lot of reasons how to get to €36,000.
Search. How to spend thousands of euros on fashion clothes?!?
Money is one thing the other health
A chic car for the money would be better
Do you know the joke with the smoker and the Ferrari?
Yeah, and now? I’d buy something else for 36000€.