Wie kann ich versuchen diese Situation positiv zu sehen?
Bin von einer wohlhabenden Stadt in eine andere fürs Studium gezogen, der Bezirk meiner Wohnung ist dafür bekannt asozial/gefährlich zu sein.Heute hat mir eine Studentin gesagt das man niemals zu dem Bezirk sehen sollte und jetzt versuche ich positiv zu bleiben, was mir aber schwer fällt.
You get to know other facets. Less prosperity, for other lives. So many of the less-favoured home do not know otherwise.
This could train the character and promote humility and Danability. The horizon widens in any case.
You’re not gonna break it. If you don’t understand, you have to reorientate yourself. But if you get there, you can do anything. Chaka.
Thanks to you this calms me something.I myself come from poorer conditions (but had luck born into a wealthy city), so I know how life in such “asocial” Areas is, but I would not have expected so many to speak so badly from the district.
Asocial is a stretchy term. What or who is a social? Are these the poor slugs or the rich exploiters? For some well-being, it’s already social, who needs to buy at Kik…
There are other clientele, of course. You look at poverty and suffering. Crime is not prevalent, but it happens. It depends on where you go. But if you’re from poorer conditions, you’re better off than someone who never met you.
In any case, your horizon widens. And if it really becomes too bad (of course, everyone has its limits), then you will find something else.
Well, that may be good, but there’s no one who gets attacked or gets pulled off. So you don’t learn about it. I’d be too scared and never would. Even if it were for study
What is she supposed to do if nothing else is liveable or even to have? Then she has to cope with it when she has to study right there.
You move more carefully in certain areas. And nothing is carved in stone, it doesn’t have to stay there.
What’s your choice?
Thank you for the star ⭐