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Most likely, you prevent mail from being sent to your own computer by not using a local mail client (such as Outlook or Thunderbird), but by running your mails directly on the provider server. Each client first uploads mails to the computer, only there they sort out the spam filter, i.e. into another folder.
Spam filters are flawful, but important mails can already land in the spam folder.
A better, though more complicated, solution would be to use several mail addresses, e.g. do not use its “right” address for orders, etc.
Only to teach your program. Some email providers already have a spam barrier that you can train. And the retrieval program can also usually: just take a little.
In principle, not at all. You can filter them out at most. Many email programs have so-called SPAM filters.
You need to filter your mails accordingly. Your computer can’t do anything for it.
Use a filter.