Wie kann ich schnell abnehmen ohne Jojo Effekt?
Ich bin 15 Jahre alt, weiblich, 173cm groß und wiege ca.80kg. Wie schaffe ich es möglichst schnell abzunehmen? Ich bin extrem unzufrieden mit mir selbst und habe seit ca. einem Jahr struggels beim Essen. Ich versuche abzunehmen aber der Jojo Effekt trifft mich jedesmal. Gibt es ne möglichkeit, wenig zu essen und den Effekt zu umgehen? Ich weiß nicht mehr weiter!
So I am m54 years and too heavy and have several diets behind me in my life. I can tell you, there are no cute diets when you don’t get back. Also the famous pulplets and tablets bring only short success or dependence!
The rule of thumb is, the faster you conjure Kilos, the faster is almost twice the “after” diet.
The slower you regulate your weight, with a little less energy-rich food more fillers (so you have to inform what you eat and how energy is rich and how energy is extracted from food at short notice) and meals should not be more than 5-6 hours apart, and a little more movement in the fresh air! So does Gym. Then the weight reduction is also long-term!
I’m 25Kg too heavy… I needed 20 years to increase. The dietist has said for healthy weight loss I need the same time (20 years…lach) faster brings nix! Turn around his diet so you can live with it and taste it all! It’s supposed to be a sinful one. Also sports should be the one that is fun and matches your time management. Everything else remains after a short time.
One more thing to eat, little or zero diets bring the body into the alarm mode and it starts to pull out any calorie from the food and adjusts the fat burning. This is the signal he has to save for him! It should be sensible and saturating meals.
So is a long process until you find NO diet program!
Oh, that all so famous BMI is scrap! In no way does the personal constitution take into account when you yourself are satisfied with your weight and personal body construction!
And one more because I just read that you are feminine:
BARBIE is NO Scale!
A desire is actually something where you need a lot of will and discipline to deal with it. I weighed with 13 as 82kg and weighed now with 16 60kg. And my goal is to come to round about 58-59kg and then go a slight calorie surplus.
and how to see this is a process that can last very long. I started slowly so that I can’t, Jo-Jo effect, get and so I can make it as healthy as possible. In a diet, it should not be about speed of weight loss, but about the reconversion of dietary habits. And if you did, you’ll see first results.
Quickly lose weight is not good. Gensudo how to increase fast. Therefore also the greater danger for a jojo effect.
lg sarah
Less diet and more sports. Good luck decreasing <3
Quickly decrease = fast to take.
Permanent change the diet. Little carbohydrates a lot of fiber. Vegetables en masse, whole grain products.
Always make sure you get a jojo effect quickly. You need a calorie deficit of 200-300 kcal per day. More not, otherwise you will become a fattener
So to quote the devil wears Prada:” I have a great diet. I’m not eating. Unless I flip over, I eat a cheese cube.” No fun, so I was also extremely dissatisfied for a very long time, and I started playing with an app. Has worked super if you need one simply ask, and they also have the optimal food plan in it, and you can also modify the exercises if they are too hard for you. It’s hard but it’s worth it, it’s almost my dream weight and a sixpack after only 6 months! So sixpack already longer but it really does. Hope I could help:)
and are safe eh pretty so don’t make you print