Wie kann ich pipi machen?

Hey also mein Bauch ist voller Wasser und er fühlt sich auch sehr voll an und tut auch weh man hört auch das zu viel Wasser drin ist obwohl ich heute erst eine kleine Wasserflasche hatte mir ist auch übel ich denke das ist auch davon. Ich versuche gerade auf den Klo aber es kommt nichts, ich habe auch den Wasserhahn an da es meistens dann geht aber es geht auch nicht. Ich kann so auf nichts essen und trinken was soll ich machen um pinkeln zu können?

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6 months ago

It’s an emergency that doesn’t thrive.

This can be a urinary stowage caused by a renal stowage.

Call the 116 117 and describe your problem.

If you don’t get there, you can call the 112 if you can’t leave water.

Bute improvement for DI,

6 months ago

So if your bladder is full and it doesn’t work within the next hour or if you should be in pain, please go either to an emergency room or choose the emergency call (112).

Acute urination requires immediate medical treatment.

6 months ago

Very quickly into a urological emergency! There you will first be made easier by emptying the bladder by a Katheder. After that, what caused the urine retention is looked at. The prostate is usually due. But the urologist tells you what really matters.

6 months ago

You need to pee by yourself as soon as the water has been filtered off your kidneys and your bubble is full enough.

6 months ago

You can’t pee water from the stomach. The water must be absorbed in the intestine, goes into the blood, is filtered out by the kidney and lands in the bladder. You can go to the bathroom first.

But the body makes this in admirably by itself, you don’t have to worry about it. And if you don’t care, please go to the doctor.

By the way: if you didn’t have much to drink, it can’t be much water in your stomach.

6 months ago

In case of problems in urination, please be medically prefaced. Harnwegsinfekte, Kidney store, Kidney failure etc.

It usually works when you drink more, a small bottle of water distributed over the day is really mau.

6 months ago

This is more of a thing for the doctor

How to do what with urination is creepy to me

6 months ago

You have to warn until the water passes through the intestine. It takes a while

The tricks you’re trying to do just what Urin is already in the bladder.

6 months ago
Reply to  iF3lix

Through the intestine?

6 months ago
Reply to  Jana174923

Yeah, where else? Water is absorbed in the intestine

6 months ago


6 months ago

diarrhea naturally went the fastest;)

6 months ago

This is clear but ‘through the intestine’ sounded for me as if the water was excreted through the intestinal outlet, therefore the wonder.

6 months ago

Yes, after that the distribution in the body and the filtration through the kidneys comes. But in order to get rid of the water tank it is enough if the whole thing is absorbed in the intestine

6 months ago

Because you write ‘through the intestine’q

6 months ago

You can’t sprinkle water in the abdomen, it’ll have to go further into the bladder.

6 months ago

Pipi’s not hard to do… even get babies. I believe in you