Wie kann ich Namen einer Person auf Insta finden?
Leute ich weiß wie die Person mit Vor und Nachnamen heißt. Ich weiß welche Interessen diese Person hat und kenne einige Accounts denen diese Person folgt.
Wisst ihr wie ich den Account finden kann? Ist wirklich wichtig Leute….
you can enter the name in the search bar if the person has given her real name in his/her profile, then you can find it
dedicated but not in stalken~
I don’t want to talk. I want to send this person a request.
Questions in such cases are the best answer. At Insta there is also a search function among the followers of a person if I remember correctly. So if the person you want to stalking her real name you should find it. But if there is a pseudonym, my first set is the right
Edit: Stalken is really disgusting
I don’t want to stalk
Of course not!! You don’t do that either, so you’ll ask before:)
But these are accounts that have really many followers and there is something like “not everyone can see all followers”
Then the second option works better, simply browse the subscribers of the accounts
I want this person to send a request. But I can’t ask this person.
Can ask 100 times the answer stays the same, so people protect themselves from stalkers like you
I don’t want to stalk