Wie kann ich möglichst billig den Führerschein machen?
Ich möchte noch vor Studienbeginn reisen gehen und mir fehlt das Geld. Könnte ich ihn im Ausland (z.B in den USA) machen?
Ich möchte noch vor Studienbeginn reisen gehen und mir fehlt das Geld. Könnte ich ihn im Ausland (z.B in den USA) machen?
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What you could do would be if you were long enough in a place in the USA to make the license cheap there, that you are at least mobile there.
a certain time you can even drive VIELLEICHT around here. in Califonien, for example, the ticket costs only $ 33 that includes a practical and three theortic attempts for the exam. However, you would have to prepare for the exam. If you have someone who lets you practice, for example, the host family, that would be a real cheap number.
But you can’t just rewrite it. this means that if you want to continue here in Germany (duration), you will almost make the driver’s license again from the front.
Lg, Anna
No, you can’t. You need to make your lobe where you are reported at least 185 days in the year of your purchase. In addition, not every driver’s license is recognized with us
A year abroad in the USA can also be used for FS acquisition and rewrite the FS on return.
However, I do not believe that the user will only be stuck in the USA.
That’s his decision. He’ll have a connection to the United States when he comes to the idea of making the FS there.
Make a holiday job and earn the money for appearance, cheap is rarely good. In the end, there’s something left for a holiday.
Possibly favorable? Probably the NULL fare? Book a holiday trip in a specific country and put enough cash on the table.
My serious advice is that you first do the theory, and during the first time practice with the car (starting, starting up at the mountain, operating the instruments, switching from the 1st to the 2nd course) with an acquaintance in a large place or in an area where you do not pose a danger to other drivers. After successful completion, you can complete the mandatory hours.
Go to the Bundeswehr. It is usually possible to make it free of charge, but it must be prepared to be slaughtered if necessary.
It’s worth it!
If you are going to travel before the start of your studies, you obviously have enough money. You might have to set priorities. Either FS or Travel 🙂
On the one hand, a foreign driving licence can only be recognized if you have your food point at least 185 days in this country, i.e. not only are reported there, but also actually live there.
On the other hand, not all American driving licences are recognized in all areas. The exact list of states can be found in Appendix 11.
And finally, drivers in most states receive only one “learners permit” (learners permit). These licences are generally not recognised in Germany.
The easiest thing is to make the driver’s license where you live. Otherwise you will have to rewrite it sooner or later (where certain criteria must be met, for example, a certain period of stay), and you will not be able to master any language in which you get the driver’s license cheaper.
Theme Money shortage: How about looking for a summer job or something? There you can put a lot of things on your side, and a certain emergency pad is just when you’re not bad abroad!
Yes, you can, but you have to rewrite it within 3 months. If you want to rewrite your U.S. licence into a German one, you need to prove an at least 185-day stay in the USA. For example, school certificates, rental contracts, tickets or hotel bills are suitable. https://www.adac.de/verkehr/rund-um-den-fuehrerschein/auslaendische-fuehrerscheine/usa/#BE-ueber-185-taegigen-stay
… the driver’s license would only be valid in the USA. This brings you little!
No, you can have that rewrite, my niece did too.
Not if you’re just flying over, making the appearance and coming back…
Currently for 299€.
Like it was so cheap to travel to the USA.
Because the questioner explicitly wants the license “as cheap as possible”?
Of course not. Why would you do that?