Wie kann ich mit Simplicol gefärbten Stoff wieder entfärben?
Gibt es dafür noch Simplicol-Entfärber? Ich hab dazu leider nichts im Internet gefunden. Nur den Heitmann Entfärber Intensiv (gleiche Marke). Laut Hersteller soll man damit zumindest Simplicol Farbreste von den Händen abbekommen. Dann müsste es doch beim Stoff auch gehen, oder?
You don’t think seriously that a fabric that has been dyed with a lasting color (that’s what you want when you dye a textile) can be completely decolorized. All bleaching agents, whether oxidative (peroxodisulfate, chlorine bleaching liquor, H2 O2) or reductive (sulphite, dithionite) can never completely remove the dyes on the fiber, they even damage the fiber.
I don’t want to remove the color *restlos*, but just lighten it up very easily. Has become a bright yellow, but I have a little “too yellow”.
Dan wash the part first or two times.
I already did. Unfortunately there are shoes (converse) and I don’t want to wash them too often/too hot. But thanks for your help
Of hands and appliances, but that it also works for textiles, would be new to me.
Have you tried it yourself? Actually there is no big difference, whether hands or textile or not? Because it does the color yes
But, in hands and solid material, it does not really attract. For porous surfaces or fabric, it can never be removed without residue.
Or the chemical is so aggressive that the material suffers.
My mom used to treat her WaMa with that stuff. that was very calcified and that had taken color.
I mean, you can try it!
Or you wash the questionable part of it strong wash powder, long wash cycle, lots of water.
Sometimes color becomes pale (I read grade, it’s about lightening, not completely decolorizing the previously dyed)
Uh, and now I read: Converse
I’d be careful with sharp things, not that glues or soles suffer.