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2 years ago

So if he really should definitely get the merciful and that should take place on locked ground then I would…..

– LEGAL oil drain

– Fill sand in tank

– ensure that the tyres are plated

– Give full gas and wait what happens when and how….

But as I said, on PRIVATEM GELÄNDE and so you don’t risk anyone….. or alternatively as a part dispenser for a few euros 🙂

2 years ago

Nordschleife, you can take your car right out.

2 years ago
Reply to  User21222

Puuh would have to look there

2 years ago

I looked and there would be 170km from HH in Denmark the Padborg park there is a 2.4km long race track maybe that’s what for you

2 years ago

Nürnburgring or a field road. You should be careful at the field path. At both ends, who should warn you about the radio.

Was that for a car? Evtl makes sense to sell the slaughters and parts individually.

2 years ago
Reply to  User21222

You can get some parts out of it.

Yeah, that’s why the road posts. Besides, there is always the danger that people are.

2 years ago

You can pay. Headlights, two doors and you got the 200. However, this is associated with work.

2 years ago

Airbags ignite. That gives a beautiful bang

2 years ago

provide it to the fire brigade as a test object for rescue chefs and rescue scissors. Then the car has practical benefits

2 years ago
Reply to  newcomer

Sensual answer. At present, however, they have to practice with electric cars. Is better than nix and also important.