wie kann ich mit bisssperre kauen?
ich hab seit paar tagen eine zahnspange und ich habe bei meinen oberen zähnen so kunstoffteile wie auf den bild (bin nicht ich auf dem bild) . jedoch kann ich damit nicht essen, ich kann nicht abbeissen und beissen kann ich damit auch nicht, das ding soll jetzt 2jahre da bleiben aber wie soll ich damit bitte essen
Hello juliarosi,
These bites on the cutting teeth, also called Bite Turbos, are intended to lift your bite. It takes time, but I can imagine that it won’t be two years.
Biting and chewing is very disturbed by things. You should cut all food small and somewhere in your mouth you will find a place where you can chew – usually with the molars. This is laborious at the beginning and the food takes much longer, but after a short time the places are known and it works automatically.
As soon as the bite rises, the places where you can chew are also getting bigger.
One thing is certain: starving is not yet a 😉
Good luck!
Then find another way. It’s easy to fight. But it doesn’t help you. Arranging yourself with a “prevention” – and nothing else is that for you at the moment – is the art you have to do now. Others before you did this. So that’s feasible.
Cut food and chew where it is now checked: back.