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2 years ago

Don’t buy anything sweet. Nothing in reach. You know where it is and it is not far away. No Cheating-Day.

Shops/bakers avoid where you bought your favs. The brain begins to calculate, buy and retrieve the taste

What helps are zig different teas, there are also chocolate flavors. Chewing gums, especially stronger mints. What hearty intense eating. (good current example Schlemmer Rods or Knusper Rods Middelberg spicy-intensive)

If nothing is going to get something very small not to sweeten what is immediately gone and you have to suck/chew good

Deflect naturally (if properly removed, also works until you stop with the skis, the Worst-case)

The first weeks go, from the 4th it can be really hard again. It’s like drug withdrawal. Have some, but they have often reduced otherwise. Brain torture. Most of them bend because they don’t stop it anymore.

2 years ago

Whenever you have the need for something sweet, wait a few minutes and if the need does not sound, instead something else, healthy snacks like fruit, vegetables or another snack.

2 years ago

I’m afraid it’s just gonna help you get away. What you still have eaten and then consistently buy nothing new.

It’s the only thing that helps me. If you’ve been through a week or so, you don’t miss it anymore. But as soon as I get fresh stuff in the house, I’m starting to eat it again.

2 years ago

Don’t buy anything. This limits the spontaneous eating of candy enormously if you have nothing at home.

And if you have something at home, don’t put it right now and you’re ready to handle it, so you’ll have to get it up and get it somewhere.

2 years ago

Instead, eat fruit. Although it is also contained in fruit sugar, it is much better than chocolate.

2 years ago

Chocolate substitute: Dried or soft dates filled with walnut half.

2 years ago

Soft drinks without sugar/calorie.

2 years ago

No candy at home.

That’s what’s left.