Wie kann ich mich unveränderbar als Urheber/Fotograf in meinen Bildern auf dem MacBook hinzufügen?

Ich möchte gerne ein paar Fotos zum kostenlosen Download in diversen Plattformen bereitstellen. Allerdings ist es mir vorab wichtig, dass ich in der Bilddatei als Urheber/Fotograf benannt bin. Mir ist es nicht wichtig OPTISCH AUF dem Bild zu erscheinen (Wasserzeichen), sondern lediglich die Nachvollziehbarkeit durch die Metadaten.

Bildbearbeitungsprogramme habe ich bisher keine, außer die installierten Apple-Standart-Anwendungen wie “Vorschau”.

Um gewisse Kommentare eins vorab zu nehmen: Mir ist klar, dass wenn jemand einen Screenshot vom Bild macht — ohne es herunterzuladen –, dass daraufhin natürlich nicht die Bilddaten/Metadaten mit übernommen werden.

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2 years ago

There is no safe option. Meta data can be removed very easily and are automatically deleted by many image processing programs when you export images for the web. Of course you can still specify your copyright in the exif data, but it will not bring much.

So you will only have to specify a suitable license for your photos, such as the CC3 with name tag:


Otherwise, only a visible watermark remains, which is at least somewhat more difficult to remove.

2 years ago

OpenStego could be a solution for you.

This allows you to insert an invisible watermark into the picture (is an additional function of OpenStego, which is actually intended for web anography).

First, OpenStego generates a signature file with a password (e.g. “Copyright by fb1701”).

It can then be inserted with OpenStego into the image to be protected.

The “image thief” doesn’t notice that first.

But if you catch the picture thief, you can easily prove with OpenStego that you are the author.

To do this, you can check the image with the signature file with OpenStego.

OpenStego indicates in percent how far the signature can be found in the picture.

When OpenStego gives 100% match, you have the clear proof that the image was signed with the signature file.

Now the picture thief can claim:

“I am the one who signed the picture – so I am the author!”

Then I can escape the picture thief:

“But why did you sign the picture with the password ‘Copyright by fb1701’?”

Note: When the image is processed, the signature is gradually lost.

If the picture has been changed slightly and the match has dropped to 90%, you still have good proof.

However, if the image has been heavily processed and the match has dropped to 10%, the proof force of the signature naturally stands on some shaky legs.

If the picture thief learns that you’ve been dealing with signatures, he will, if necessary, already realize that you’re a “hard opponent” and so other disputes might rather get out of the way.


The invisible signature can of course not prevent the image claw itself.

You can only prevent the image thief trying to turn the spear around (“I am the author and you are the image thief”).

Or you can point to the signature when the image is published.

But a technically versed picture thief will then find means and ways to remove the signature.

2 years ago

Metadata is not invariable.

But if you want to do it, you can either enter your name directly in the camera and various RAW development programs also support the disclosure of copyrights. For example, Lightroom or Darktable.

Another possibility would be a watermark or an invisible watermark.

2 years ago


Unfortunately, you can only add this to the metadata and they are always changeable or overwritable. To be recognizable as a author, you can simply write your name to the edge in a small font, check out the watermarks that the WPY_NHM uses.

VG Hdhdidb