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5 months ago

You have to fall into the hole to know how to handle it.

In the end, you can only change your situation. Shit always happens in life, but whether you cry or laugh, it doesn’t change what happened, but what can happen. So, your decision on what you’re doing from the situation, always!

5 months ago

Namaste, 🙏

Building resilience.
There are many different approaches.
I started meditation a while ago, and in addition to that, I am referring to the Buddhist and stoic philosophies that provide me with a lot of hints on how to react in certain situations.
I try to gradually integrate this into my everyday life.

And I have to say that this looks amazingly good at me.
Situations in which I had gone “out of the skin” at that time, I now take more relaxed or don’t even notice them.
I can’t say what this would look like in the event of a greater destiny, because fortunately nobody has ever rushed me.
But in everyday life, I am much more relaxed and others also notice.

5 months ago

There is no reliable protection against this. But if your current environment is so designed that your soul does not suffer from it, then you have a little bow.