Wie kann ich mich minderjährig ohne Einverständnis meiner Eltern impfen lassen?
Meine Mutter ist Impfgegnerin. Mein Vater nicht hier. Und ich muss unbedingt geimpft werden, gegen ALLES ich weiß nicht wie. Ich kann das alles nicht länger, wirklich
Okay nicht gegen alles, aber all diese empfohlen Impfungen und so. Und ich bin 15.
I have this idea that you’d have to talk to you about what’s going on with you. And if you’re still in your parents’ house, “I have to be vaccinated against ALL I don’t know how. I can’t do this anymore, really” is very emotional. And inoculation seems to me more like a symbol of deeper problems than the real problem.
But okay, let’s take it, it’s really all about inoculation.
Basically, doctors can treat you without parental approval. But only inoculate with explicit parental approval because it is a hurting intervention in your body. This looks different from any unintentional treatment.
In the case of doctors, however, the inoculation is generally 99 percent undeniable and they think that almost everyone should be inoculated. Only in very individual cases, such as the corona vaccination, there are disputes for the benefit and damage of the vaccination (from which you should also leave the vaccination finger).
If you’re looking for long enough, you’ll probably find a doctor who’ll make it easy. Just as you find doctors who dispel if it is not permitted by law.
The other way would be to have your parents deprived of health care in court and to transfer it to a so-called guardian. Then the path would lead you together with the Youth Office, which can make this request for you by the court. And then it can also check the other situation that does not seem to be the best.
That depends. Until the age of full age, the guardians have health care as part of parental care and decide on health matters as a substitute for their minor children. Medical interventions fulfill the criminal offence of the breach of the body according to §223 Criminal Code (StGB) and some, including vaccinations, even fulfill the criminal offence of the dangerous breach of the body within the meaning of §224 StGB. They are free of punishment only with a valid consent of the patient or his legal representatives. The highest court case law of the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) in Karlsruhe, however, states that minors from their 15th/16 onwards. Year of life is usually in a position to give a valid consent to certain medical measures, including in vaccinations. The prerequisite for this is that the minor is able to understand the medical education in accordance with § 630e of the Civil Code (BGB) and that he can fully overlook the scope of his decision. The older you are, the more so, you can decide on your own. However, no doctor will do all vaccinations at once. Between the individual vaccinations, there must always be distances.
Just ask the doctor if they can tell you if they can do this.
It depends on how old you are… If you are already operational, you can discuss this without your mother’s consent with a doctor without her and the doctor will inoculate you…
Please clarify who should care for you when something is. Your mother won’t be – she knows.
You may know that at least because of Covid you don’t have to worry: since mid-November 2022, this name is no longer appearing in the list of contagious diseases in the epidemic law – and nobody speaks about it!
Why should it be necessary to care for someone?! The vaccinations are very safe and it is usually only easy to expect vaccination reactions…
Yes, Suprablitz! You’re not gonna have heard the bang yet. But if all of the media say,
Upps, please get in touch with vaccinators. They have other sources and can tell you how dangerous the vaccination is in reality.
Seriously? Even if you get a fever for one or two days, you can tell the mother that you’d have been cold.
Or something. Sure, go. Mother’s stupid!
You troll!
This would also be to be clarified in the case of an infection with paralysis of children, tetanus, ketching coughs, diphterie, or a possible life-long hindrance after cerebral inflammation after measles. Who cares if the FS puts a pregnant woman in skirts?
The fact that a mother does not care for her child in the event of a health impairment, only because she is a pupil is a permanent understatement. It’s not all the vaccinators that are social and unloved.
True: vaccinations have hardly any serious consequences.
You seem to find this impressive, so you keep mentioning it here. This has been announced so long before and of course.
You’re trying to subdue doctors, they don’t have any interest in their patients’ health. The medical successes and full waiting rooms show you’re on a lost position.
No, my statement was clear and serious: doctors would not inoculate if it would not use much more than harm.
That was good!
Otherwise, doctors wouldn’t inoculate.
If you are fully informed – at real sources – you will quickly find that the benefits are far outweighed!
I also let my children vaccinate at that time (now I wouldn’t do that anymore). Everyone should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of vaccination very accurately. This includes a comprehensive information of all pros and contras.
The least known are the devastating consequences of child paralysis, precisely because the vaccinations help so well. Pocken affects are only known from textbooks and diphterietotes are a historical problem. Tuberculosis? Disabled children by skirts? Infertility after mumps?
The vaccinations have significantly reduced many problems and this is so strong that today’s vaccinators are no longer aware of how rare the vaccination damages are compared to the infection damage.
“Safety belt, airbag, ABS? I don’t need it, there’s hardly anyone else dying on the road!”
First and foremost. But the other vaccinations also pose many health problems, which is known to the least.
When you talk about vaccination in the deposit, let me guess. It’s all about coronary vaccination.
Oh, yeah. A person must be pretty stupid if she assumes that a person would get cold… Almost as stupid as the people who seriously think people would blink.
Ah yes the vaccinators – these are those who believe everything better to know because they have read it on Telegram and do not understand the real studies
Ask the youth office.
No doctor who deserves his title will inoculate you against “everything”.
That would be stupid and not targeted.
That is not the point of the question.
Most vaccinations are very useful. Ask your mother what you’ve been getting when. And with this info you go to the doctor. He’ll set up a special vaccination plan for you.
Make sure he wants to inoculate you against Covid. Then it’s a bad doctor and you should look for another one.
Look here:
Against everything?!?
I rather recommend psychotherapy.
Probably against the guild like tetanus, rubles, mumps etc.
At least the maser vaccination will have her or he will.
No, I didn’t. I can’t.
No, not really everything. I only have Tetanus, I want the others to have
I had to tell my teacher I can’t. She said she had to do something, but I couldn’t change it anyway. Nothing has happened yet. And Tetanus I got once as a child for some reason and then because I wanted to do internship at the shelter. My mother said Tetanus is the only one she allowed me
You need proof of the school in terms of mace vaccination? How did your mother steal that? And why do you have the tetanus vaccination? She was important enough for your mother?