Wie kann ich mich im Zeichnen verbessern?
Ich zeichne hauptsächlich im Manga Stil.
Ich zeichne seit über einem Jahr sehe aber nicht wirklich Fortschritte.
Ich kann keine Hände zeichnen obwohl ich sehr oft übe.
Hat jemand Tipps wie ich mich verbessern kann?
Bilder seht ihr in meiner vorherigen Frage!
Danke im Voraus
Hall oils:)
How old are you when I can ask? At the beginning I always helped many Youtube tutorials from which I have learned enormously… Perhaps all the basics in the subject draw research :). What are you drawing with? Ink, Coal, Pencil, Felt Pen? You may try other types :). You can quickly see where his strengths lie and that makes it a much more beautiful. Continue viieeel practicing;)… maybe you take part in a sign course? Always very exciting.
Best regards and success <3
I’m 13 and I’m drawing a print pencil! Thanks for the tips! 😀
You don’t have to worry about 13 yet. With 14 , 15, 16 and 17 you will greatly improve :0 ▼ everything has its time…🤝🏻✨️ Good luck
Thank you
Just look at how it is done at Mangas. And keep practicing.
Just practice your hands.
Here are tutorials in English:
I wrote a book: “The art of drawing”.
There are different topics for different subjects. Look if you find one for Mangas. I was very helpful! In my opinion, there are great techniques and instructions in it 🙂
Thank you
I would try youtube videos first. Maybe you can save the money for a book.
Heyo, I’m a professional artist myself and I’m teaching Academic. The most important is practicing, drawing and the most important understanding! And always repeat that! The thing with hands is not a miracle, there are many hard. We have learned how to approach the body structuring. If you buy an anatomy book, you can describe it better visually than I write to you.
so it is best