Wie kann ich mich im zeichnen verbessern?

Ich würde mich gerne beim zeichnen verbessern! (also in Cartoon und Kawaii style mäßigem). Ich habe schon viel rumprobieren aber bin nie wirklich 100% Zufrieden gewesen. Mal waren die Proportionen komisch oder die Gesten bzw. Dartstelellung zu “Standardmäßig”. Auch der Blick der Figur ist nie wirklich niedlich oder überzeugend genug. Bitte gibt mir ein paar Tipps.

So in der art möchte ich zeichnen. (Nicht 100% genau so. Das ist nur damit es leichter Fällt Tipps zu geben:

Danke für jeden der mir antwortet. Ich weiß das zu schätzen.

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2 months ago

Learn about the anatomies of the animals you want to draw and how this can be distorted so that it fits the animals. Before you stylise something, you need to know what it actually looks like. Otherwise, mistakes occur and work becomes inconsistent. For example, by asymmetrical proportions.

You should also work on light and shadows. Choose for the shade the colors he should have, either directly or take other color than gray. I personally like to take a pale violet. This creates warmer and more realistic shadows. Make sure an object is brighter at the points facing the light.

In short, work on the basics. Then your work will improve very much. Use other media, try out new ones, such as chalks or acrylic colours. These experiences can lead to breakthroughs in your main medium.

Keep practicing, you have a solid base on which you can build.

2 months ago
Reply to  furrycat

I’m glad I could help.
If I can do anything else for you, let me know.

2 months ago

I’m glad I could help.

2 months ago

Thanks for the star.

Mimic you can practice super in front of the mirror. Make the face you like, observe how your eyebrows, eyes, corners of the mouth and skin folds change and behave and then draw this up.

You can also take photos. Or look at pictures of other artists and draw them. So you train your hand and learn what qualities fit to what mimic.

And as far as the choice is concerned, for example, you can consider how the figure would feel in a particular scene and choose a matching facial expression or you make several sketches and put each one another expression on it. This is particularly easy digitally because you can copy past.

2 months ago

Hey 👋

I do not draw this Kawaii style so often, but have often made pictures on small gift cards, etc.

For the first time I am not so creative in this art style, which is why I always get help from a tutorial. I personally tried the following three motives:




Otherwise, it is important that you first prescribe the motif with a pencil or straightenable ballpoint pen.

Then follow with a black fineliner or a thin black felt pen.

I would always paint with felt pins/markers and even water colours, as this (I find) covers better and faster than a wooden pencil.

If you have any questions, you can contact me 😁☺️🤗

I just don’t know too much about this painting.

Greetings Jojo ▼

2 months ago

Look at dragoart, there you will find some tutorials on anime/manga etc.

2 months ago

Your examples have all the same errors and are therefore not really kawaii.

Of course, you better practice paper so your figures have a chance to be you.

2 months ago

Hii there are mega tutorials and also booklets. From my own experience, I can recommend you to make pencil sketches first, so you can do as you want. Then with fineliner and color.

Otherwise practice, practice 💪 a lot of fun 😊

2 months ago

you are on a good way
