Wie kann ich meiner Tochter helfen?

Meine Tochter (17)leidet seit vier Tagen unter hohem Fieber und zeigt starke Angst vor der Schule, die sich zunehmend auf ihre Gesundheit auswirkt ( sie hat Matura dieses Jahr). Sie hat wiederholt Fieberträume, in denen ihr Lehrer eine Rolle spielt, was ihre Schulangst noch verstärkt. Diese Angst belastet sie emotional so sehr, dass sie möglicherweise auch körperliche Symptome wie das anhaltende Fieber beeinflusst. Ich mache mir große Sorgen, weil es ihr sowohl psychisch als auch körperlich schlecht geht, und ich fühle mich hilflos. Ich suche dringend nach Unterstützung, um ihr in dieser schwierigen Situation helfen zu können.

Vielen Dank im Voraus !

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2 months ago

Four days ago the fever started. There would have been enough time to go to the doctor.

The fever doesn’t seem so bad.

There is no emergency service for the daughter’s mental problems. If there are school psychologists in Austria, you must arrange an appointment on Monday otherwise go to a free psychologist.

2 months ago


After the psyche plays a role, you don’t get around more or less about psychotherapeutic help directly. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a psychiatrist, there are some tips and tricks to deal with school fear.

I personally had extreme fear of examination and unfortunately have to leave several leaves empty in my school days.

If she can’t get up or want to, call the family doctor, as they usually go past when it’s really just that.

General help with long and lasting fever is of course ibuprofen, even if you are not a big fan of it, it simply helps. Wade wraps also help to reduce the fever very well. Take towels, wet them with cold water, wash them out and wrap them around the calves.

This does not actively combat the fever mechanism, but supports the body to release more or less natural and circuit-friendly heat.

The coils should be lukewarm (not ice-cold!) in order not to load the circuit too much.
Do not apply to cold hands and feet – this indicates that the body already has problems with blood circulation, and the wounds could have a counterproductive effect.
Renew regularly when the reels have become warm.

Of course, you can keep what you want, personally helping me with fever over 39°, among which I don’t see a sense.

In case of acute problems/births, you can call and request the 116117. Insofar as they feel it important and urgent, they can also send doctors to you.

The connection between school stress, emotional stress and physical symptoms is not rare, especially in such an important phase as the Matura.

It would be advisable to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist in a timely manner. A first step could be that you turn yourself to consultancy offices to let you know how to support them.

Exercises such as conscious breathing or progressive muscle relaxation can help relieve acute fears.

Aside from this, a gentle conversation is useful. Why is she afraid? What is she afraid of? Outermost Important Why? the Teacher?

2 months ago
Reply to  Donutfan43

Did you ask for help with the parental club and the director? Such a behavior of the teacher is really the last. What do they say?

2 months ago

I would make an appointment with this teacher for the first time and hear from him what’s going on – alone. If your daughter reacts so intensively to him, something must have happened.

2 months ago

In Germany there is a school psychology service for such cases.
I think there will also be school psychologists in Austria.

2 months ago
Reply to  Donutfan43

Is the teacher psychologist? I only know psychology. How about advice on wire? They also make online consulting

2 months ago
Reply to  Donutfan43

There will be more than one.

2 months ago


2 months ago
Reply to  Donutfan43

Then don’t tell her to do that. You are no help if you allow her to stay in her bubble

2 months ago
Reply to  Donutfan43

Contact the doctor and describe the situation.

2 months ago

Then start with it. Bye.

2 months ago

Maybe you should put yourself better on your fingers if you don’t know how to write helpful

2 months ago

For the first time to the family doctor, then, if necessary, to the psychiatrist.

2 months ago


you should get to the doctor on Monday.
