How can I celebrate my 20th birthday?

Hi, my birthday is in three weeks on a Tuesday. I'm planning to have coffee and cake with a few family members that day.

I'd like to celebrate my birthday the following weekend. Since I've only celebrated my 10th birthday so far, I'm pretty clueless about how to celebrate a birthday 😅

I have a few friends. My budget would be around €200-250.
It would be nice if someone had some nice ideas and could help me.

Thank you in advance.

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1 year ago

Ein Nachmittag in einem Escape-Room. Ein Picknick, ein schönes Essen, Bowling spielen, alle zu dir einladen und einfach nur schön quatschen. Kann ja auch jeder was mitbringen, das verringert deine Kosten, statt Geschenken.

1 year ago

Sich in einer Bar Vollaufen lassen