Wie kann ich meinem Vater erklären, dass schreien keine gute Art der Erziehung ist?
Ich wollte es ihn schon so oft erklären, dass schreien einfach nicht viel bringt und das es anderen Methoden gibt, aber meistens komm ich entweder nicht dazu, da er meint ich hätte dazu kein Recht oder er sagt, dass es bei mir “nicht anders gehe”. Ja ich gebe zu, wenn alle zum essen gerufen werden braucht es vielleicht auch mal die ein oder andere Minute aber es ist einfach kein Grund zum Schreien meiner Meinung nach. Auch als mein älterer Bruder das Haus verlassen hat wegen ihm hat er es immer noch nicht verstanden. Mein Vater wird halt wirklich sehr schnell aggresiv, wenn ihm eine Sache mal nicht passt. Ich halt das aber ehrlich gesagt auch nicht mehr wirklich aus, da ich durch ihm extremen Druck in der Schule habe.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
It’s difficult. Because apparently, your father has no insight at all to listen to you properly and to understand you and thinks that if he becomes loud and aggressive, he achieves something with it. I think that people who behave like this show only their powerlessness and weakness. And he doesn’t understand that this can lead to your excerpt. Mega sad.
Amazing when your own descendants are mature than actually adults men.
You’ll get it far in life.
that is as often as you can be amazed
I’m sorry if I write that way, but it’ll stay that way. Screaming parents always do if something doesn’t suit them. You don’t see any smarter options.
Share your thoughts in a quiet moment. Tell him how you feel. Trying to be as respectful as possible. Don’t try to upset your father. It doesn’t stop from this morning. I doubt it will stop.
I don’t know anything about your father’s past. My old neighbor was always tense because of his work and family. His wife told me he was often screamed in his childhood.
And unfortunately there is also the problem. When my brother left the house, I cried hours in bed. When he came to me he said I should tell him why I cry. I told things that I was disappointed with him and, among other things, screaming. I told him that my brother had aggresion problems, etc. because of his education method, and also about my forced disorders, which I probably had for him. But no, my father’s against everything again and he’ll be loud again. I thought he finally understood it… I’ll cry again and ask him to give me a moment alone, he ended the conversation with something like “yes if I don’t care about you, then just hang in your room again” and he knocks the door. Talks end 😓
I know it makes a simple aggresiv but it’s like a fucking dictator man and you can tell garnix against without being yelled more. When you’re written you don’t want to do what the other one says and is completely pissed becauses eh nix. I’m sorry, I’m gonna yell at you. If you yell at him, he’ll take your handy away, whether you’re right or not, but if he screams he’s often wrong, but he wants nix against what he says. I was just talking to other grown-ups he didn’t dare to yell.
LG. ThinkingMonkey
Maybe you should just do what he says. Getting to eat on time means a minimum of self-discipline. If you don’t even get this, what do you even want to do?
So discipline shouldn’t be the problem with me… Besides, is it really worth screaming? Does it really have to come so far that jmd pulls out for screaming? I don’t think so. Besides, it was just an example. There are enough other scenarios where he could have ruled it without screaming or beating…
Okay, let’s say you’re your father.
How would you do?
When would you be at the point that you can only scream?
I would do it as follows: first, screaming is normal, it is human. In a conflict you can’t really do much about it. The problem is, however, that he never apologizes for screaming after the dispute. I always do it, and would do it as a father. On the other hand, the point “it is not different to me”. I can actually take my math teacher perfectly as an example: I just cheated in front of him at school, let my homework send, etc. While other teachers would have been allowed to write down a house order, etc, he did it on the contrary: in the case of tasks, he simply inserted the solutions small in the slide below… Of course, I could have just written off the solutions from the moment and could save time to shock more but his way simple, especially as he talked to us about being honest, has just clicked on me. Since then I’ve been doing the Ha’s myself even though I could just look. And so I would do it as a father, clear, math and live is not the same, but you could transfer it. Because if I’ve learned one thing from my teacher, it’s that you’ve only understood something when you get on it yourself. And this is not the case when screaming, with kind regards
What concrete is he supposed to apologize for?
So you didn’t listen to me, you also gave contradictions, probably not for the first time.
Where did you apologize?
I’ll explain the Scenario for a moment: my mother says I have to go to sleep at half ten, it’s 10 after half ten. I thought I was allowed to go later because what my mother had misunderstood. What is wrong is not so important now. I’m trying to explain to my mother that I misunderstood her and go to sleep right now. She doesn’t let me talk and fight with me. My father comes in and starts screaming. I cry, my big brother also comes in between and wants to protect me (that was the same evening he left the house). Then my father becomes even more aggregate, etc.
What made him scream concrete?
That one has cried, and that one or the other sentences were not meant in a conflict. Screaming is human but still not good and therefore, in my opinion, a reason to apologize