Wie kann ich meine Vorhaut am besten dehnen bei einer relativen Phimose?

Bei mir liegt eine relative Phimose (Vorhautverengung) vor. Das heißt im schlaffen Zustand geht die Vorhaut so gut wie perfekt runter aber im steifen ist es kurz vorm Ende sehr schwer und tut auch weh wenn es vollständig zurückgezogen ist und man den Penis anspannt. Nun wollt ich eventuell mit Dehnübungen anfangen und wollte fragen ob ich sie im schlaff ode steif machen soll. Weil wenn meine Vorhaut ja im schlaffen zustand gut runtergeht dann dehnt sie sich ja nicht wirklich sondern eher beim steifen wo es ja etwas schwerer wird die runterzuziehen. Kann mich da einer bitte aufklären und evtl. dann Übungen vorschlagen zum Dehnen?

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1 year ago

Get Ebenol 0.5% freelance cortisone ointment.

Apply these to the foreskin regularly daily.

The stretching of the foreskin will then be pushed over the acorn regularly and carefully.

It takes some time. A few weeks at least.

The iim warm water goes well in the bathtub.

Then get baby oil or fat cream and make SB always cream your penis.

In all stretching, as far as possible, do not tear the foreskin. If you let it heal.

Good luck!

If it doesn’t really help after a long time, go to the urologist. But circumcision only if it is absolutely necessary.

1 year ago

Your foreskin seems to be slightly narrowed. That’s what many people have at your age. I also had an increasing puberty. So it’s normal. I also know the phrase from the urologist that it doesn’t have to be operated.

The foreskin can be stretched. Pull in the warm water of the bathtub after you have sat in it for a while, the foreskin always only as far back as it does not hurt. Keep the point a while. In your case, it probably just makes sense. Repeat this several times a week. Then it should continue with time.

The doctor’s vote is glad that no surgery is necessary. So you get all the sensitive nerves, your acorn stays protected, doesn’t dry, stays emotional. Didn’t he tell you any ointment? Otherwise, go back and let the proceder (always a little under the foreskin) explain again reasonable.

1 year ago

Please write your age, because it depends. Without strong cortisone, there’s nothing like Betametason 1%.
A circumcision is probably more sensible in the long term.

1 year ago

There is such an ointment extra for such cases, try it with the one. If it doesn’t matter, and you’re still in pain, you’ll have to cut yourself sooner or later.

1 year ago

Go to the Urologen and let you do that. – That’s a little thing.

1 year ago
Reply to  wetekgplay

What’s wrong with circumcision? It’s much more hygienic. You can also cut plastically. To do this, I can give you more details to get complex here.

1 year ago
Reply to  wetekgplay

Try stretch therapy. What’s gone is gone forever. This is still in doubt!

1 year ago

Just let yourself be cut completely, then you have rested forever and no more problems