Wie kann ich meine Mutter fragen ob ich alleine spazieren gehen kann?
Oder eher sagen. Das hört sich komisch an aber ich stelle es mir nice vor, einfach so alleine bisschen spazieren gehen.
Wie kann ich meine Mutter sagen das ich alleine spazieren gehen will, ist das nicht komisch?
Your post scares me pretty much: because I grew up in a village and was alone at the age of 5 years. Especially villages offer the ideal space to discover the surroundings outside. It’s so important for your development that you are on your own, without parents, and do your experiences.
I know everyone’s doing something with his friends, but I’m better for myself. I always say because I just want to be alone (: I probably say that to my mother.
Thank you for your answer and I wish you a nice evening.
No, that’s not funny! Just tell her you want to take your time!
W/13 live in a village and just want to walk around so little after school maybe
Should be okay. Tell your mom about it tomorrow morning.
Just tell her you want to walk alone or go to the front door and put on shoes and say, “I walk”