Wie kann ich meine Eltern überzeugen etwas bei Temu zu bestellen?
Hallo, ich würde gerne etwas bei Temu bestellen, aber meine Eltern sind dagegen.
Also gegen das Bestellen haben sie grundsätzlich nichts aber weil das Zeugs halt von China kommt. Ich würde dich Sachen sogar selber bezahlen und bevor jetzt irgendjemand sagt „ dort gibt es eh nur schrott“ will ich sagen, dass es natürlich Müll gibt aber auch sehr biel Nützliches
Alle Meinungen, Antworten, Argumente für das Über zeugen meiner Eltern sind Willkommen!
Ich sage jetzt schon mal Dankeeeeee
bei der Umfrage bitte abstimmen dankee
Almost everything you can buy at TEMU is also available at Amazon, often even from the same dealer. Usually just a little more expensive, especially when shipping runs over Amazon.
I’ve been shopping for Aliexpress for years, mainly clothes, because you don’t get everything from Amazon, and I’ve only had good experiences.
TEMU will not be big different, probably selling the dealers themselves anyway at Aliexpress, Wish, TEMU and Amazon.
Hello, I don’t know Temu. What can you order?
Maybe argue that you want to pay it from your pocket money and that is why of course it should be favorable…
May I ask what you want to order?
I would pay it with my pocket money only my parents want to buy nothing from things that come from China.
And at Temu there is imprenzip everything and much more that there is nowhere else.
Maybe you and others can help me better now but I thank you for your answer
Good evening, so most products, whether equipment or clothes come from abroad, even what you’re buying in the shops on site. For clothes not China, but rather India and Bangladesh.
Why don’t you argue with your parents that it’s cheaper in price, and there’s only the product at Temu as you imagine. And offer them if it doesn’t work well with order/delivery/quality of products, you will order where different:-) You want to gain your experience.
How old are you? It’s about your parents being able to object to the purchase if you’re not alone in business.
Press the thumbs.
Things are inexpensive only you always have to go with paypal in advance
yes Temu is mocking. And that’s what you can see. If you can just knock the stuff into the ton, okay.
But it can also get really dangerous. Sometimes it is not even possible to get involved in the EU.
And if you buy something, borrow someone and take a damage from it (even in the case of elective devices not even so unlikely) you are standing for it.
there is only scrap, scrap and no honest customer service. read all the clever reviews
Tell them you want to help, To ruin the climate and the environment, by letting environmentally harmful Chinaschrott transport climate around half the world.
Listen to your parents and they want to protect you.
Doesn’t seem to read in there;)