Wie kann ich meine Eltern überzeugen das ich Kaffee trinken darf?
Ich bin 14 Jahre alt und trinke Kaffee ☕️ aber immer heimlich. Aber es immer blöd dieses zu tun wie kann ich sie überzeugen das ich Kaffee trinken darf ?
Ich bin 14 Jahre alt und trinke Kaffee ☕️ aber immer heimlich. Aber es immer blöd dieses zu tun wie kann ich sie überzeugen das ich Kaffee trinken darf ?
Ich möchte über ein wichtiges Thema mit meinem Freund reden mein Freund meinte wir reden telefonisch darüber heute soll ich warten bis er anruft oder selber anrufen später ?
Während bei Cola und enngery drinks die Diskussion schnell beendet ist Argument zu viel Zucker und Coffein Ist ja nicht so das viel Zucker in kaffee schütten kann
Meine Katze ist in der Schublade rumgelaufen wo ca. hundert Kondome liegen. Ich habe angst, dass die mit den Krallen die beschädigt hat. Kann ich die noch nehmen oder übertreibe ich?
Ich habe mal gehört, dass jeder Mensch auf der Welt einen “Doppelgänger” hat, also jemanden der (fast) genauso aussieht. Stimmt das? und hast du damit irgendwelche Erfahrungen?
The easiest thing would be if you were sitting at the table on the next occasion when your family sits together and someone drinks coffee (no matter if breakfast, or Sunday afternoon coffee, or whenever), say: “Please give me a coffee too! I have this recently (with friends? Or wherever? You should try something credible, which doesn’t sound like “secret” and it tastes good!”
Then you see how your family reacts. You’ll probably just get your coffee.
If your parents think that coffee is not good for you at your age, then of course you could reject your wish – but with the so formulated desire it is likely that they do not stress, but simply give a reasoned “no” answer.
My mom was a coffee aunt and I’m one too. Especially ital. Coffee we loved and I still love today. I was allowed to drink with 14 coffee, but my ma bought a mild, sweet-tolerated one and didn’t make it so strong. Maybe that would be an option for you, too.
Yes or
Did you ask her? I’d make it first. Parents are often a bit complicated, but they can understand that they might not find that great until you’re 14.
coffee doesn’t have an age restriction? I’d talk about it at your place and point like better concentration or something if that’s the case. You could also make a deal because of the time of the time you don’t drink coffee for example from 17 o’clock. My parents wouldn’t have a problem with it and I’m only 14 ☺️
I hope you can convince your parents
yes would be a good solution. I personally love coffee too, but 1700 would be too late for me.
well. I don’t like drinking coffee, so I’m not so well known with the right time ☺️
I have already been allowed to drink black tea when you don’t drink too much, coffee is even good
If my parents knew…
Just say you like to have a cup of coffee in the morning. Why should they forbid you? You could possibly cook caffeine-free coffee for you.
if it were all so easy
What’s the problem of your parents?
Just give in.
Leave it. Your parents don’t forbid you.
LG Luchs
there is nothing they have forbidden him
If you would allow the Fs not to drink secretly
he can’t trust himself. Is there often any young women who do not dare to say that they have their days.
To consume 14 coffeine can actually only be harmful, you can’t convince anyone if you already ask.
You were 14 hours ago:
So with your early-collar career choice and completed training, you’re really amazing, you can drink coffee, of course. Here’s an argument for your parents:
Guys, I think I’m pregnant, I need a coffee now.
Congratulations to you a very big coffee