Wie kann ich mein Wo ist auf ein anderes Gerät übertragen?
Hallo, ich wollte wissen wie man die Funktion wo ist von meinen jetzigen Iphone auf mein altes Iphone übertragen kann sodass man den Standort von meinen anderen Handy sieht und ob das überhaupt geht?
The “Where’s?” App has been available since iOS 13 and lists all devices connected to your Apple account. If the old iPhone runs under another Apple account, you must use the “share location” function.
If your old iPhone only works with iOS 12 or older, it means “Find My iPhone”. I don’t know if this works with “Where’s?”
If you think that your standard is for your friends of the old cell phone, it goes into settings under iCloud and then what. On your old phone, of course, because there is the phone to use for sharing.
You yourself see all your devices in your iCloud account that where is activated have been located on the respective one to be found under settings iCloud
Where is all devices linked to your Apple ID shown.